Chapter 13

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After what felt like an hour of playing Call of duty i check the time and its 2:30 am. Damn its late, i take a break and go downstairs to get a drink. I reach the cabinet and get out a random bottle of tequila, I'm to lazy to get a cup so i drink straight from the bottle. I take the bottle with me upstairs to play more video games, I feel the alcohol coming on slowly, nothing too serious. After about an hour of drinking and playing i black out from what i know. I wake up the next morning with a massive headache and i cant open my eyes but i hear the beeping of hospital machines, oh shit i dun fucked up. I hear a doctor come in with high heels on "Mr Gray, age 20, broken left leg and multiple bruises on the upper torso." "Doctor is there something wrong with my eyes?" "No sir you just need to open them, here let me help you" she opens my eyes for me and all i can see is a light from her flashlight. Eventually she turns it off and i blink to make the dots go away, once the dots are gone i look up and see her massive tits in my face and shes groping my groin with her hand. It feels good but i can't "Doctor stop please i cant" she whispers "kiss me Jermaine" i would but I'm already set on one girl, Camila "No stop!!" I push her off and press the assistance button. Doctors come rushing in the room wandering whats wrong "Get her out of here she needs to keep her hands to herself" the doctors escort her out of the room and come back a few minutes later with crutches and my clothes which are the pjs i wore last night. They were nice enough to wash them for me and help me with my crutches "Hey um wheres my phone?" "You didn't come in with a phone sir" "Can i use the desk phone please?" The doc hands me the phone "Here you go sir" "Thank You" I call Gabriel but he doesn't answer "Shit" "What was that sir?" "Oh nothing" so i dial the only other number i can remember at the moment "Hello, hey Camila can you do me a favor" "Whats that?" "Can you come pick me up from the hospital?" "Wait what are you okay?" "Yea I'm fine just a broken leg and some bruises nothing bad" "K I'll be there in 10 meet me out at the front entrance" "K thank you so much" We hang up and i get start hobbling to the elevator to go down to the 1 floor. Eventually i make it to the main lobby and see Camila at the front desk freaking out trying to explain that she needs to come get me. I hobble over towards her and she hears me and turns and hugs me "Oh my god are you ok?" I struggle to talk due to how tight she's hugging me "Yea but with you squeezing me so tight i can barely breathe" she stops hugging me "Oh sorry" "Shall we go malady?" "K c'mon lets go" we walk out both sets of double doors and luckily her car is right out the door. She helps me into her car a 2017 Honda Civic, after she gets me in she goes around onto her side and gets in and starts driving.

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