Chapter 22

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"So whats up" "Its Mom and Jermaine, they um" "Wait your saying they, passed away?" "They were in their RV driving on one of the most dangerous roads in Alaska after being to not to and Mom convinced him to keep driving and they were making a turn around and open bend and a semi came speeding and both vehicles went over" I slowly start to cry and I don't want it to hurt because they pissed me off a lot but at the same time their my parents and I cant help but love them for that. "The funeral is on Saturday at the same place that Bigmain's mother was buried at 11:00 and I was hopping you could come and deliver a eulogy speech for them" "Yea I'll be there with a speech" "Thank you" "Did you invite the family from both sides?" "Well I am inviting everyone from Mom's side and Olivia is Inviting everyone from Bigmain's side" It's sad that the only thing that has brought the three of us together. Bobby stands up ready to go "You gunna be good little bro?" "Yea I'll be fine" He turns to go and I stop him "Hey, if there's anything I can do to help with the cost just let me know and I mean anything" "Thanks" He goes out the front door and as I'm going to close the door another person comes, it's Cathie. I open the door for her "He's up stairs in the tub and this time there's extra, a broken leg, arm, and ribs" She doesn't say anything and rushes upstairs "Hey" "Hey" I see Camila come down the stairs "I'm guessing thats Cathie" "Yeah" The look on Camila's face changes to a worried look "Are you okay, whats wrong?" "My parents-" I don't have enough time to finish my sentence before busting into tears "Oh goodness" I manage to get a hold of myself but only enough to get out one sentence "The funeral is on Saturday" "Should I go with you?" I cant talk so I just nod "C'mon now don't cry, they wouldn't want you to" She's right they wouldn't want me to so I suck it up and stop crying. She gives me a smile to let me know she's there for me and honestly thats all I need from her right now. I check the time on my phone and that we have one hour till the show "Babe we better get ready" "Alright so I'll go home and come back to pick you up it should only take like 30 minutes" "No no no, I'll be there to pick you up in 30 minutes, alright?" "But wait how are you-" "Don't worry I can manage" "But babe-" "Trust me" "Alright" She gives me one last kiss and heads home. I get up and hobble my way to my room grab some boxers, white dress pants, and a white undershirt. I go take a nice warm shower in my bathroom, get out and dress myself and head to my closet and grab a white dress shirt, white blazer, and white dress shoes with a golden toe. About 20 minutes have past so I need to call my driver Paul, he picks up immediately "Hey boss" "I have a concert date tonight, can you come pick me up?" "What car boss?" "Oh just drive your car over I have one for you" "Yes boss" Paul doesn't live far so it only takes him a couple of minutes for him to arrive. I hear a knock at the door and I go and answer it, It's Camila wearing a white dress with little flower designs on it and her hair held up by a black flower and wearing black lace up boots. She's so beautiful "Babe what are you doing I told you I'm picking you up, I have a driver" "I didn't know that so I assumed you were going to be stupid enough to drive yourself" Wow that's great she thinks I'm a complete idiot, then again I would do that. I hear another knock on the door and answer it.

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