What Happens When You Scare Someone With Blue Hair (Marianas Trench Fanfic)

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*Katies POV*

I throw on my Marianas Trench shirt and a purple sweatshirt. I grab my phone and turn on my Marianas Trench playlist. I grab a coke zero and throw it in my pocket.

I head down my street and begin walking to the nearby park. I enjoy going to the park to take my mind off of things. I like to sit and look at the water to relax.

I arrive at the park and sit underneath the big tree facing the water. There's a familiar looking guy sitting on the bench playing on his phone.

I sit under the tree for and hour listening to Marianas Trench. Just as I get up to leave I notice the guy is still sitting on the bench. He has blonde and blue hair.

I walk up behind the guy who is sitting on the bench. He looks lonely so i'll go talk to him. I notice he's playing Slenderman. I quietly sneak up behind him.

I take one of his headphones out without him noticing.

I look around to see if anyone's watching.

I put my mouth by his ear "BOO!!" I scream.

The guy jumps and lets out a shriek.

The guy. The guy is Josh Ramsay!!!

I quickly zip up my sweatshirt hiding my Marianas Trench shirt.

"What was that for!?" He says turning around.

My face turns red trying to hold in a scream.

"Hi I'm Josh" he says holding out his hand.

"K-k-Katie" I say shaking his hand.

"It's okay Katie I don't bite. No need to stutter" Josh says with a smile.

"Sorry for scaring you by the way. Here take this " I say handing him my coke zero.

"You drink this!? I thought I was the only one who did. I'm starting to like you even more already!" Josh says.

I smile.

"So Katie. Any plans for the day?" Josh asks.

"Nope" I reply popping the 'p'.

"Well you do know!" He says

I look at Josh and give him a confused look. "Your hanging out with me for the day" he says.

"Let's go to my place and watch movies" Josh said standing up.

josh began walking. I follow behind him. We get to a dark grey BMW. Josh opens the door for me. I get in the car he closes the door and goes around to his side of the car.

It was only a short ride to his apartment. He sang along to every song on the radio.

We pull up to a big apartment building. We both get out of the car and I follow Josh to the elevator.

"What movies should we watch?" Josh asks while pushing the button.

"Doesn't matter to me. You can chose Josh" I reply.

Josh looks at me and smiles. We go out of the elevator and walk down a hallway. Josh stops at the sixth door and unlocks it.

I follow Josh inside and take off my shoes. We're greeted at the door by a black lab by the name of Bennie.

I walk into the living room and pet Bennie while Josh goes into the kitchen. He comes out with 4 cans of coke zero and 2 movies.

He sets the coke zero on the coffee table and puts one of the movies in the DVD player.

Josh sits down on the couch, Bennie sits in between Josh and I.

"So now that were friends I think you should give me you number" josh says smiling.

I pull out my phone and hand it to him. He hands me his. I put my name and number in and save it. He does the same.

About 30 minutes into the movie Bennie gets up from the couch and goes in the dinning room. Josh moves closer to me. A few minutes later he moves closer again. And closer. Until our shoulders are touching.

I look over at Josh and smile. Josh notices me looking at him and looks at me and smile. He puts his arm around my shoulder. He carefully moves it down till it's around my waist. I lookup at him and rest my head on his shoulder.

I bite my lip holding in my fangirl scream. I'm cuddling with Josh Ramsay from Marianas Trench.

I stand up to use the bathroom. Josh stands up behind me and gives me a hug. He sits back down on the couch. I walk down the hall and go to the bathroom.

When I get back in the room I notice Josh starring at me with that grin he walkways does. I sit down on the couch beside him. He puts his arm around my waist again.

Josh pulls me closer to him. He puts his forehead against mine.

What Happens When You Scare Someone With Blue Hair (Marianas Trench Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now