Chapter 9

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I woke to my pillow rising up and down. Turns out it wasn't a pillow. I open my easy and look around. I notice my head is on Josh's chest not a pillow. I smile at the fact he's actually getting sleep. I close my eyes again trying to fall back asleep since I don't want to wake Josh up.

I woke up again only this time with strong arms around me. I open my eyes while yawning and roll over to face Josh.

"Morning Katie" Josh says while yawning. His hair is a disaster. It's all over the place pieces on every direction. I move in closer to Josh and rest my head on his chest. I take a breath and smile. I look up at Josh and notice he's smiling. Both of us are enjoying. Each others presence.

We laid like that for 20 minutes. "What time is it?" I ask Josh. He rolls over and takes his phone of the nightstand. "2:36" he says while rolling back over. I move myself closer to him and hug him. "I'm taking you on a date tonight" Josh says while slightly sitting up. "Okay" I say softly.

I can tell Josh wants to get up. Me though I don't feel like moving. "Come babe it's almost 3pm we should get up" Josh says while squirming. "Nope. I'm not moving" I say while crossing my arms. Josh moves his arms from around me to under my legs. He picks me up bridal lifts me out of bed. He starts to walk towards the door. Then he turns around and throws me face down onto the bed.

Hmm I think to myself. I'm gonna get him. I start to fake cry. "C'mon Katie. Get up already!" Josh whines. "No" I choke out. Josh comes over to me. "What's wrong? What'd I do?" He asks with concern in his voice. I push my face down in the mattress trying not to laugh.

I slowly bring my head up looking as sad and hurt as possible. I sit up on the edge of the bed and just look down at the floor. "Baby what's wrong?" Josh asks again this time with even more concern in his voice. "Y-you hurt me" I fake stutter while making more tears come from my eyes.

"Was it when I threw you on the bed?" Josh asks softly. "Yeah" I sob out. "Katie look at me. What hurts? Josh asks while lifting my chin up. I start to crack up laughing. Josh has a confused look on his face. "Umm..?" He says confused. "You actually believe it!" I say between laughs.

"You actually did hurt me though Joshua" I say with a straight face. "Where'd I hurt?" He asks. I can tell he's confused. I don't think he believes me. "My lips" I say sticking them out. "I might be able to fix that" Josh says. He puts his lips over mine. With no hesitation I kiss back.

Josh pulls away. "Go get ready for our date!" Josh says. I stand up and walk towards the door. "Wear something nice!" He calls as I walk to the bathroom. I wonder where he's taking me. It's Josh so it's probably somewhere crazy.

I flat iron my hair so it's pin straight. I do a smokey eye and throw on some mascara. I pick out a lavender lace dress and sliver flip flops.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Josh in a black dress short and jeans. "You look beautiful" he says while pulling me close and pecking me on the lips. "Ready to go beautiful?" He asks while leading me out the door.

I don't even bother asking where were going. It's Josh I know he won't tell me. After a few minutes of drive he pulls into a parking lot and parks the car. He comes around and opens my door like a gentleman. He grabs my hand after he shuts the door. We begin walking hand in hand on a broad walk. It leads to a beach. We both take our shoes off and hold hands again. I see a picnic basket up ahead.

"Aw Josh is that for us?" I ask. "Um what?" He asks while looking around. "The picnic" I say pointing to it. Just as I point to it two people go over and sit down and eat. "Uh nope. Your surprise is in the car. I gotta go get it. You wait here" I stand in the sand while Josh goes back to the car. A few seconds later someone picks me up and throws me into the water. Instead of looking to see who it was I go underwater and grab their ankle pulling them down in the water too. "Hey what was that for?" Josh asks as he comes up from the water.

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