Your assignment

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It was a rainy night and I was home as usual polishing my weapons when my message bell went off at the door. I sighed and walked over to the door.I opened the door letting the cold air caress my face. I opened the little black box at my doorstep reveling a envelope with the initial "P" stamped on it. I brought it inside and sat back down on my creaky wooden chair. I opened it and read the letter.

I ask for your help. A new circus has come to London and something about the performers feels off about them and they seem very suspicious. I know I may sound paranoid but I would feel much safer if they were "eliminated" from existence. I promise you 400 queens coins for the job. I do very much hope you fallow through with my request. Good luck.

Another task. (BTW you are a popular assassin and people hire you to kill someone for them in exchange for lots of moooola.) I tossed the envelope to the side and looked at my duel sided swords. "Guess we got another job guys."
To be honest I didn't really like killing people. Seeing their light leave, last breath, last memory, but what other choice did I have. I have no family, no friends, no one to love and no one to love me. I needed the money, if it wasn't for my choosing this life I would be living in the streets rotting away with the rest of the garbage. So I earn money, live a nice little life in my nice little cottage until nightfall. I've heard a lot about the Noah's Ark Circus. I also know how skilled the performers are. This won't be an easy job, i'll have to go undercover and slowly pick them off. I yawned and laid back in my chair creating a echoing creak. I'll start tomorrow.
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Hello my little poptarts! I hope you enjoy my story so far. This is my first so please be sure to like, comment, follow and be sure to check out my other story.

Over The HIll and Far Away {Dagger x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now