Happy Ending?

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He dropped the knife and put his hands around the leather. He instantly got pulled back. I bolted up and grabbed his knife, putting the dagger in the left stocking. Beast stood in the doorway along with Joker. Cole was on his knees gasping for breath while Beast tightened the whip and Joker removed Dagger from his chains. They came. They really came. I sighed with relief. I rushed over to where Joker and Dagger were. Joker held Dagger's limp body. I kneeled down next to them and looked at Daggers face. Seeing at beat up brought tears to my eyes.
"He's alive but unconscious." Joker said in a sad tone "I'll take him back to the circus with snake. And Peter and Wendy are waiting outside if you need backup." he said that last part in a whisper. I nodded and ran my hand through his hair before Joker took him away. I got up and turned around, Beast still had her whip around his throat, he looked blue and his hands were growing limp. I kneeled down to eye level with him. His eyes were wild as they looked into mine. "From one rotten soul to another." I said as I brought the knife up to his throat "See you in Hell." his eyes got wide as I brought my arm out and slashed it across his throat. He chocked on his blood as Beast released him and he fell to the ground. I saw the light leave his eyes and his last breath escape his lips. Some of his blood splattered on my face and costume but I didn't care. I dropped the knife and got still staring at his lifeless body. Beast put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a sad smile. I smiled back "Thanks for coming." I said as I hugged her. I can tell I caught her off guard but she hugged back "Of course we came." I pushed away and went back stairs. I looked at the last step and saw a couple drops of my blood. I reached back and felt the back of my head red and sticky. Beast let out a small laugh. "You know, that blood is a lot more noticeable with your white hair." I laughed along with her wiping my hand on my skirt. "Ya, I really need a bath." I said looking at my dirty mess I became. Beast laughed as we walked out into the cold night air. "Joker took the other horse so you'll have to ride with me." She said hopping onto the horse. I nodded as I was gonna hop on I remembered something. "Um hold on, I have to do something first," I said running back to the house. I ran upstairs and went back into the room. I didn't look at Cole's body. I remembered seeing some gasoline and matches when I was looking for a weapon. I put the watches in my stockings and uncapped the gasoline. I poured a puddle around and me and walked toward the door. I walked down the hallway, down the stairs and dumping the rest around the first floor. When it was all out I stepped outside and lit a match. i watched it's small flame as I threw it through the door. It erupted into flames and made it's way throughout the house. I ran back over to Beast and got on the horse, wrapping my arms around her horse we were off. I took one last look at the burning house before we entered the woods.

When we got back to the circus I went straight to the infirmary. Dagger was laying on a bed with Joker on one side and Doc on the other side putting a wet rag on his forehead. I ran over to him and grabbed his hand. It was warm and clammy. I held in tighter and kneeled down beside the bed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let this happen to you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better." I whispered as tears were streaming down my face. I felt his hand grab mine back. I looked up at him as he moaned. I stood up and he waved for me to come closer. I bent over and put my ear next to him. "As long as your ok i'm ok. I love you (y/n)." he whispered. More tears ran down my face as I kissed his cheek.
"Will he be ok?" I asked Doc
"He should be up and moving in a couple days." he nodded
I sighed with relief as I looked back down at him. His breaths were slow and soft. "I promise i'll never leave your side."
I kept my promise. I sat where Joker was and didn't move. Not for food. Not for water. I didn't even bathe. I just watched and waited for him to come back to me. Joker and the others would try to bring me food but I would just pick at it. I wasn't really hungry. My main concern was being by Dagger's side when he woke up. It's been 3 days and still nothing. I was starting to get worried before they were all washed away. I saw Dagger move under his sheets and moan.
"Dagger!" I grabbed his hand
"W-Wa-Water." I mumbled. I nodded and ran out of the tent coming back with a bucket of fresh water. I grabbed the small glass that was on his nightstand and filled it up. I helped his sit up as I brought the glass up to his now pink lips. He drank the whole glass and layed back down.
"How long was I out for? Were you here the whole time." he said in a raspy voice
"3 days and yes."
He looked down and smiled a little. "I'm glad I woke up to your face."
I blushed a little and grabbed his hand again. He squeezed it back. "I'm gonna get the others and tell them your awake." he nodded and I kissed his forehead.
While the others were talking to him I decided to take this opportunity and take a well needed bath. When I was finished I felt like I was reborn. I washed my blood stained hair and skin and washed away the horrible memories. I sat on the vanity examining my scar on my left cheek. Well at least in highers my bad-ass level. I thought as I neatly fixed my hair and makeup. Dagger. I'm so glad you returned to me.

Over The HIll and Far Away {Dagger x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now