"Ladies and Gentlemen!"

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"Alright everybody listen up!" Joker called out to all the performers "Tonight's our first show here so we have to make a good first impression. Hopefully everyone's already signed the performance chart." he said pointing to a chart on the tent "Good luck!" he said with a closed eye smile. With that everyone was running around getting their costumes on and doing their makeup. I began walking to my tent when I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Daggers smiling face "Good luck Phoenix and don't worry you'll do great!"
"Thanks Dagger same to you I smiled at him as I proceeded to my tent. I sat at my vanity and painted the orange triangles on my eyes, put on my feather lashes and applied my black lipstick. I put on my head band and looked at myself in the mirror. Remember the mission. I sighed as Beast walked in. "Hey Phoenix finished up there?"
I smiled at her and said "Yup, mirrors all your I said as I sat on my bed and put on my black heels.
"You nervous?" she asked while fixing up her purple eye shadow
"Just a little."
"Well don't worry I've seen you practice, you'll do great."
"Thanks, imma wait outside, good luck." I said as I left the tent
"Ok, thanks." she said fixing up her black curly hair
I walked over to the schedule "Looks like I go on 3rd with Dagger." I mumble to myself
I suddenly hear some laughing coming from the tent. As I peek inside a see Joker juggling some balls then letting them fall on his head. Shoot i'm suppose to be at the curtains! I quickly run to the curtain where everyone is already waiting.
"Phoenix there you are!" Dagger yells
"Ya sorry." We all get in line and wait for Joker to say his line.
"Welcome to Noah's Ark Circus!" he says with a bow. Suddenly the spotlight is on all of us. I put on a fake smile as the audience claps and cheers. Doll goes first with her tight rope performance then Peter and Wendy doing the trapeze.
"And not for the knife throwing Dagger and his beautiful assistant Phoenix!" We walk out together and the audience cheers. First I get strapped onto wheel while it's being spun by two other girls. Dagger starts throwing the daggers one by one, each barely missing me. Gasps are heard from the audience as he throws one after the other. The audience cheers as he throws the last one barely missing my cheek. I get let down and Jumbo comes out with the lighter fluid and matches. "And now for our beautiful Phoenix to throw her flaming daggers!"
I put on my gloves and grab the daggers and dip them in the liquid as Jumbo lights one. I put them together letting them erupt in flames and holding them up for the audience. Everyone cheers and a few perverted whistles are also heard. I just ignore them but Dagger has a look of disgust on his face and he scans the audience. I walk over to the target and grab the hot blade. I throw and the audience claps. It's quiet for the rest of the performance except for a few gasps and a few kids saying comments like 'she's so cool!' 'her dress is so pretty!' 'I want hair like that!'
I throw my last dagger and when it hits the bulls eye I turn to the audience and bow. The crowd erupts with cheers and a few whistles are heard again but I just smile and wave. I grab the daggers and take a last bow before exiting the stage with Dagger and Beast walks on stage with her Tiger Betty. We get back stage and everyone starts congratulating us. "You did great!" Peter and Wendy say in unison, Jumbo nods and Doll just gives us a little smile. Dagger has a scowl on his face as he peeks from the curtains at the audience. I place a hand in his shoulder "Dagger, is everything ok?" I ask
"No, those disgusting men were whistling at you, how dare they look at you in such a way!" he says without looking at me. I've never seen him so angry before. Come to think of it I've never even seen him angry.
"Dagger it's OK, they're just teasing, so long as they don't touch me i'm fine. Come to think of it I think a remember a certain someone getting a nosebleed when he first saw me in my costume." I teased hoping to lighten the mood. His face turned a crazy shade of red and as he rubbed the back of his head. "Uh-well-I um." he started to stutter. I laughed and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. I smiled and sat on a couple crates to wait for the curtain call. Dagger hand his hand on his red cheeks as he stared to where I was standing. I smiled and lowered my head. What did I just do?
~???? Pov~
"That was quiet the performance you put there (Y/N). It might have been your last." I got up and walked out of the tent closely clutching my camera as I smiled at my work.

Over The HIll and Far Away {Dagger x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now