New Recruits

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I woke up to the sun shining in the room making my blades reflect onto my face. I moaned and sighed rubbing my face. I got ready and dressed in casual middle class clothes with my blades in my side bag. I walked out of the house and prepared for my new mission.

I walked up to the entrance of the circus looking up at the large sign identifying the estate. I looked straight ahead and saw that they were already testing new recruits, the first was a boy with an eye patch trying to throw dagger, he was obviously way off target but somehow he hit the dead center. He threw once more and I looked closely when I saw something hit the dagger, a pebble, I looked to my right and saw a tall man in a tail coat with a handful of pebbles, I snorted to myself and waited 'til they were finished testing him. Finally it was my turn and a man with orange hair and a slightly smaller young man with blond hair and black bangs walked up to me. The man with orange hair raised his skeleton hand and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the other boy "Let me guess." he said with a smile "You want to throw daggers too?" I stared st him for awhile and I have to admit it I've never been attracted to one of my targets before. "Yes" I said with a nod. "Well, here." he said giving me 8 daggers "Alls you gotta do is hit the target, that should be easy enough for you." He thinks i'm not capable? Well i'm about to prove him wrong. I also noticed that he stood me closer to the target than the boy before me. I turned around and took 6 steps back looking the smaller boy in the eye. He smiled while raising his eyebrows.
I turned back around and looked at the target. I took the first dagger in my right and raised it high. I took in a deep breath and threw it. Bulls eye. I threw one after another each time hitting the target. On my last one I looked at it and then back at the target noticing that there was a painted heart on the board where the heart really would be. It was then when I got an idea. I turned around facing the two men that were testing me. They were confused at first but a took in another deep breath and closed my eyes imagining my target. Then I raised my arm and pushed it backwards sending the dagger flying through the air. All around me I heard gasps and when I opened my eyes the faces of those two were priceless. I turned around and right where the heart was there was a dagger in the dead center of it. I smiled and bowed my head. The man with orange hair walked up to me and the boy stood still dumbfounded.  "Wow! Ye did great! But 'ee ain't quite got the job yet. We gotta test 'ee a little more. Follow me." He waved his hand and started walking to the practice tent. I passed the boy and smiled at him, he just watched me as I followed the other man.

I was all the way at the top of the tent about to take my next test. The tight rope. This shouldn't be too hard, I mean I am a master assassin. Once the girl who they call Doll was finished tying me up I started walking. I just looked straight away and steadied my breathing. In no time I made it across. I let out a sigh and looked down. Once again the two men were watching me, clearly impressed. I made my way down to them and asked "So, did I get the job?" They looked at each other then back at me. "Get the job?" said the orange haired man. "Your good enough to be a first-stringer!" the boy said with a smile. I felt my face getting hot but luckily the orange haired man interrupted. "Well, i'm Joker, this is Dagger and we can't wait to introduce 'ee to the rest of the family." he smiled. 'Family', he considered these people family, for some reason that tugged a heart string but just ignored it.
After I meet everyone Beast showed me to the costume room where I would be fitted and shown a design. In the end I ended up picking a dress with a red corset top with the top bedazzled with black and red toll skirt that stopped just a little under my butt. I also wore thigh high black and white stripped tights with black heels. I also wore a black head band with a red and orange flower on the corner of it. As for my makeup Beast painted orange triangles on the top and bottom of my eye with black lips and red feather fake eyelashes.. "Ok, ready?" she asked, I nodded and she spun me around. I gasped. I didn't even recognized myself. I took a closer looker, feeling my silky hair, going over my makeup with my hands, feeling the toll of my skirt in my fingers. "So?" asked Beast "You like?" It took me awhile to answer but when I finally did I answered "Actually, I kinda do."
She clapped her hands and said "Yay good, now to reveal you."
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Hey guys.. so it's official I have taken the hair scene out as it seems SO MANY of you seems more than displeased with it (heaven knows why) but ya it's gone so leave me alone, also if you are in anyway displeased with how I described MY character than you can either leave my story or just move on because honestly character description gets mentioned literally I think just this once so ya, whatever.

Over The HIll and Far Away {Dagger x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now