My Best Friend

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Assalamu'alaikum readers!! Thanks for reading.:) Hahahaha. Please keep on reading. I really appreciate it. That moment when you open your wattpad and saw the reads? Hahaha. Amazing feeling. Thank you very much. And also please vote and comment. I will really appreciate your comments. Please? Please? Hahaha.

Shaina's POV

I was not expecting what Ella said. I was shocked. She was not like that. She was my best fiend and seeing her to be like that hurts me. Subhanallah! What happened to her? I was about to follow her. But. I guess it's better not to. I forgot the time. It's already 12:01 pm. I didn't pray my dhuhr ( the second obligatory prayer in a day in muslims' life). I hurriedly went to the musallah (prayer room) at our school.
I entered and say.....


"Wa'alaykumussalam" they all greeted.

This is the best feeling here. You, being their sister. You, being welcomed.:) I love them for the sake of Allah and it will not change, in shaa Allah it will not change until the end of time.

I am lucky, no, I think the word should be blessed because Allah guided me to the right path. Alhamdulillah. I remembered the last verses in Al-Fatiha or The Opening of the Holy Qur- an.

Guide us on the straight path.
The path of those whom You guided
And not the path of those whom You misguided and of those hypocrites.

Alhamdulillah. You guided me Ya'Allah.
Thank you for all the blessings. Even though life is tough, thank you for guiding me.

After that greet and entrance effect. Haha. I went to the wash room for me to perform wudhu (ablution) because in Islam you should first make the ablution and then perform the prayer. If you didn't made the ablution, your prayer is invalid. The ablution is for you to be clean in offering your prayer.. you should be clean and pure.:)

At exactly 12:45 pm I finished praying. Alhamdulillah. After praying I went to our next class. And I saw Ella there. Someone's staring at her. Astaghfirullah. She should wear her hijab by now. Astaghfirullah!

I sat next to her extending my greeting

"Assalamu' alaikum" i said and smiled.

"Wa'alaykumussalam" she replied.

I don't know why but it is as if I can see Rushella from that greeting. Not the Ella that we knew after her father died. She is somewhat relieved and fresh. Or should I say I can see my bestfriend now. But I didn't say what I observed from her. I guess, I will just observe her.

"Ma shaa Allah" i reacted. I can't help it.

"Why?" she said

"Nothing Rushella" i just replied.

The teacher was discussing about this and that. We're attentively listening. Rushella's listening, too. Now, she's not sleeping. Haha. Because that is her habit.

And the class was dismissed. Alhamdulillah.

By the way. I am Shaina. Shaina Alih from, of course, Canada. This school was my Alma mater since elementary. This country is my home. Rushella is my bestfriend. Yes bestfriend because she is the reason why I am like this. I have my mom and dad. Tsk. Haha. My dad is a...jerk(for them. They're saying it) But now, he is not. I don't know why. But starting that day that I prayed, the atmosphere at home changed,too. I guess it's Allah's reward after all. I'm just so happy. And also my mom? Don't bother. She doesn't care about me. I don't know. She's kinda saying I am a jerk,too. I guess it's because of my father. He was never a father to me and a husband to her, I guess. Allahu a'lam (Only Allah knows). I don't have the knowledge like of The Creator Who created us and give us life.

I am just so blessed. Alhamdulillah. (All praise and thanks are Allah's) I went home. Prayed my asr (the third obligatory prayer in a day) and went to my father for some lecture.

"Assalamu'alaikum dad" i started.

"Wa'alaykumussalam my dear daughter" he said

"Did you pray for your asr?" He continued

"Yes dad, Alhamdulillah. And you?" I said

"Alhamdulillah. I went to the masjid. I repented and I guess Allah is with me now. I guess He is guiding me now. Can you feel it too Shaina?" He said wondering. His eyes seems to cry and his voice cracking while he is talking.

"Yes dad. What you can feel is also what I can feel. That feeling of being guided. Your day revolving around Him or your life revolving with His guidance. Ma shaa Allah. I can't explain the feeling. It is the best feeling that I felt dad." I explained.

"Thank you for letting me realize Shain, that, this life is just temporary. And we will be put to test because of our deeds here on earth. I really regretted Shain. Sorry for all. Sorry for being a jerk." He said

I just hugged him and we cried both. How awkward it is. But I love my father even though that he is a jerk. But now he is not. He is a muslim now and so do I. Thank you Ya'Allah. Thank you. We laughed after hugging. I just missed it.

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