what we learn

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okay so, i suck at titles whatever.

that is not what this rant is about, however.

this rant is about school and what we learn.

i get it, really, school is important. v v v v v important and it's up to us to learn what we need to learn. but then in some classes i just wanna like fucking burn everything down.

no, this is not about math being boring and hard.

this is not about english being stupid and a class with no purpose.

no. this is about the fucking frustration i feel when we give too much importance to small details that don't really need to be acknowledged in a class like, for example, history.

say your studying ancient egypt, right? so you open your textbook, and your having the time of your life (not) and the teacher starts asking questions like:

"what were the houses made of?"

"what did they eat and how did they get their food?"


i'm sorry ive failed to understand how this will benefit us in any way.

i dont need to know what they eat or how they get their food! i need to know what if their trade was good, and how was the economy, how did the trade affect the economy, how has all of this useless information helped us today forming our own economy?!

idgaf what the houses were made of!!! i want to know about the freaking hierarchy and the pharaohs and things that will ACTUALLY BENEFIT ME LATER IN LIFE.

i dont care that they ate bread and olives and fish and poultry and whatever else.

i shouldn't even know that ^ i mean its so useless!

srsly we need to start investing our time in more important stuff than that. because, even if they're important, there are other stuff happening around us currently too shaping the world and we should be aware of that at an academic level.

k bye.

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