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so today, i was in a groupchat with my friends, who we can call K and D.

K being the girl, D being the asshole.

so we were all having a good time talkin about random things, and i sent a pocutre of me and K, to which she replied with "STOP" becaus she hates when i send pictures of us. D didnt respond to that, and he replied with something completely random.

D: remember [my name] you stalked me?

and knowing D, he was going to start being an asshole

i told him no and the convesation went on with him claiming that he recorded me "looking" at him. and he even got his friend involved. at that point i questioned him if he wad trying to make me feel bad and he denied it. K really didnt do shit to help, but she did comment on a few things.

if you guys dont know, i get really sensitive to ANY negativity around me and i just kinda blocked D.

i really hate that i can just forgive people easily, but i hope this time i wont have to talk to him at all.

i actually shortened everything so sorry if youre lacking details. im really mad and sad, so technically upset, and ugh WHATS WRONG WITH MY LIFE


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