the poll

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It was the first Monday of the next month:
"Hello and this is Dan and Phil from bbc internet takeover" everything went well on the show they got lots of messages requesting songs and so on, but when it got near to the end Dan remembered the Shiba inu so he said "guys on Twitter tell us if me and Phil should go and adopt a shiba inu using #danandphilshibainuyes or #danandphilshibainuno to @bbcr1 and our personal accounts (#spon) @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil and say why we should or shouldn't get this majestic animal!!" Phil shouted "DAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING" when the next song came on, Dan muttered "getting a shiba inu" Dan knew that all the phandom desperately wants them to get one so that's why he mentioned it and he knew he was gonna get one.
the taxi trip was awkwardly quiet but Phil broke the silence by saying "Dan you do realise we can't have pets in our apartment right?" Dan replied smugly "oh I have that covered"

Dan's POV
I know secretly that Phil wants a shiba but he is just so worried that he won't look after it well and he would be a bad pet owner.

Phil's POV
I know what dan's thinking, he thinks I'm being a idiot and that I'm being selfish its not that at all!! I'm just worried we won't look after it well and animal rescue will take him away, I really want a shiba because it could help Dan out so much! For example when he is having a existential crisis the shiba could come and lie down next to him and comfort him and I think that would be nice for him.

its kinda cool to write POVs so i might start writing with them also in third person X]

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