how time flies

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It is a week before they get Existential (AKA Crisis) Dan and Phil are both freaking out. They had found out that he is small very fluffy and very chubby, also that his traits are friendly, playful and minorly destructive towards any toy:

Phils POV:

We have gotten him a bed, lots of toys, mountains of food, and a really cool bowtie collar with pixel me and Dan on it along with a custom Dan and Phil pixel lead and of course poo bags for when he is older X]. Me and Dan are thinking of opening a pet supply section to our shop so people can buy a really cool bowtie collar with pixel me and Dan and a custom Dan and Phil pixel lead just like ours.

Dans POV:

eeeeeeek im sooooooooooo excited for Crisis just a week today and it will be my birthday along with the day we pick him up. "PHIL!!!" Phil came running in "I think we should go visit him soon" Phil replied "yeh that would be cool I'll call the RSPCA up and get them to arrange it for tomorrow!"

The next day:

Dan and Phil where in the new car they bought 2 months ago so they could go places with Crisis. They had made a right down Caledonian Road and there they where the RSPCA shelter, they walked inside saying they where here to see there dog and that they had arranged it yesterday, she asked for there last names they replied "Howell" and "Lester", she told them to follow her to his cage. They walked for what seemed like for ever and then she stopped and looked left and down. There was Crisis yapping at Dan and Phil like he knew that he was going go and live his life with them.

Dans POV:

"HE IS SO CUTE OMFGSJFSHJKAHLDHLJHASJKHFJKEUIFHI IT'S LIKE HE KNOWS WE ARE HIS PARENTS PHIL" a tear ran down my face "I KNOW DAN I KNOW" streams of tears where going down Phils face and that made me start to cry even more, cry of happiness.

AHHHHHHHHH IT IS GETTING EMOTIONAL ISN'T IT HAHHAHA AWH. I might update again so the next chapter they will have Existential (aka Crisis) in their home, also imagen if they had a pet section of their shops and they sold dog and cat hoodies with pixel them on it (and a pixel Crisis) I think i would actually die of cuteness overload even though I don't have a dog or a cat X]

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