a bumpy beginning

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Everything was going well the reception lady had left Dan and Phil to talk one another and stroke Crisis when in till Phil saw something in the corner of the big cage:

Phils POV:

I saw something in the corner shaking almost shivering, it was fluffy and chubby like Crisis it was a black shiba with blond patch on his/her front and around his/her mouth with some orange above their eyes looking like eyebrows there is also blonde in the inside of their legs. I nudged Dan to look at them and he was in a trance looking in Crisis' eyes so i nudged him harder and he looked at me so i pointed. Crisis picked up on what we where looking at and started to lick the other shiba and then lay down next to it. He gave us some puppy dog eyes looking like he didn't want to leave with out them.

Dans POV:

I saw the black shiba that Phil wanted me to look at, I knew he wouldn't just leave with Crisis and not go out with this other shiba. I told Phil that I was going to the toilet but really I wasn't. I went to call the landlord. I went far enough so Phil couldn't see/hear me, i rang the landlord up and he called my 'sonny boy' and we went in a deep conversation I told him that we had pushed it to get one shiba but I told him that there was another shiba that desperately needed to be adopted. After a long conversation he said that it was fine just make sure he didn't tell anyone. I agreed. I went back and got Phil he asked me "Where you giving birth to an elephant?" but ignored it and pulled him to the front desk. I asked if we could adopt the other shiba and collect them the same day as Crisis she agreed and gave us the paper work.

Phils POV:



Dan and phil found out that it was a girl shiba and that they where brother and sister. They where both abandoned when they where 2 weeks but someone found them and brought them in. The woman said that the girl was just stressed thinking about it so thats why she shakes. They fillied in all the paper work, and set out and bought everything for her. Later on around 8pm they decided to think of a name, this time on Instagram in stead of twitter. They found a name that caught there eye it was 'wasd' (as in the keyboard letter to move on most games) it was a suggestion by antisxcial._.zombie and literally.phanhowlter, they both loved the name and decided that it was go

One week later:


Dans POV:

We decided that crisis would be mine dog to look after mainly but get the same love from both of us and that wasd would be Phils but again same love and attention from both of us. We got the travel cages and put them in the boot with blankets inside both of them one black for crisis and one colourful for wasd you could tell by looking at it who chose what blanket. When we got there we where greeted by two puppy shiba faces, both looking at us like if we where their saviours. We put the collars on them and attached their leads and walked them to the car and put them in the boot. We went straight to the vets to get their final shot they already had their first 2 so this was their final one! We go in to the vets room straight away because no one was in there (it was nearly lunch time). Crisis went first and he was so brave he wined at first but then was quiet once the vet stroked him a bit. Then it was Wasd turn she got the shot a a bit more scared then Crisis once she got it she started shaking the vet checked her hear rate and she told us that she had a irregular heart beat so she had to take her in intensive care, she said she had to give her an electric shock and that Wasd would need help doing things for a week or so and she needs special food given to her. We are so worried for her...

AHHHHHH SO SADDDDD.... sorry about that when pets/animals aren't well its worse than actual people I don't know why but it is....... anyway if you would be so kind to follow the account on Instagram that would be highly appreciated, also if you could comment and give it a vote and share it to your friends it would also be highly appreciated X]

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