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Phil's POV:

Me and Dan are sitting anxiously in the waiting room with Crisis. Dan legs started shaking, I felt sick and Crisis was crying. The vet came out from the operating room, she gave Dan and I the signal to come in to see wasd. There she was lying on her side. She was fine and breathing. Thank God she was breathing. The vet said that we had to be careful on the way home and let her get some sleep.

Dan's POV:

Wasd looked so cute when she slept, all Crisis wanted to do was lay next to her and comfort her even though she was asleep. I carried her up to our apartment, Phil unlocked the door we went into the living room. I placed her into her bed and put a blanket on her


Wasd woke up, it woke up Crisis as well because he fell asleep next to her. She got up and tried to walk over to Phil and I but she stumbled over. Phil got up straight away and helped her up onto the settee so we could stroke her whilst scrolling through the internet. Dan helped Crisis up and he stroked him. We both decided to reveal our story to the internet of how we got the two dogs.

Phil's POV:

I started to stroke Wasd whilst writing the story of Wasd and Crisis on instagram (twitter doesn't let me have enough characters) I immediately got lots of supportive replies. I started to get tired myself and I laid my head upon Dan's shoulder. Dan looked at me full of surprise but he then smiled at me and carried on scrolling through the internet.

OK OK I KNOW I HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS IN AGES OK. neverhappyeverafter made me update it, but I'm happy she did because I forgot how fun it is.. In till next time goodbye X]

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