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12 Grimauld Place was a big house, with many floors and many rooms. It used to be something of beauty, but now an air of emptiness and neglect filled the quiet rooms.

There were sheets draped over various pieces of furniture, which must have been grand in their day, but now only boasted chipping paint and worn wood.

Beautiful rugs lay rolled up in the corners, exposing the decaying wood of the floor. The grand chandeliers had been taken down and laid to rest against the wall, leaving the rooms in a dim gloom.

The only light in the once magnificent drawing room was the roaring fire in the extravagant fireplace. Detailed carvings had been drawn into the wood, but the edges were chipped and it was difficult to make out what they had once been.

Thunder cracked outside, and rain lashed against the window. It could have been cosy, but the air of gloom left you feeling more alone than safe. The inhabitants of the house had struggled to sleep that night, and had covered their beds with blankets to protect themselves against the cold.

There was a man curled on a solitary armchair, his cloak pulled up to his eyes, leaving his long legs exposed, falling over the edge. He looked young, he couldn't have been yet in his forties, but there were lone grey hairs amongst the thick brown, and worry lines etched around his eyes.

The way  he was curled about himself while he slept was defensive, but his forehead seemed relaxed and his face peaceful which made him look younger and kinder. If someone were to look at him, they would wonder what could worry a man so much that he looked so much older than he really was.

The only sound that could be heard was gentle breathing and cracks of the fire.

All of a sudden there was a crash! The man's eyes shot open revealing muddy green irises flashing in the firelight. He stood, holding nothing but his wand, and immediately strode towards the door. He didn't look scared, he looked exhausted, he looked like a man who had nothing left to lose. His hand gripped a wand and held it out in front of him, expecting an attack.

But none came. Instead, a woman with flaming pink hair yanked open the door with an apologetic grin on her face.

"I'm so sorry! I let myself in, I would have rung the doorbell but Mrs Black..." She trailed off
The man shrugged, and then continued to look at the odd woman standing before him. She suddenly burst out "Oh! I'm Tonks."

The man said "Remus." He nodded his head, then added as an afterthought, "Lupin." Remus saw the lady's eyes bulge. Not wanting to see anymore, he turned and made his way down the narrow hallway to the kitchen with Tonks following close behind, tucking his wand back into his robes.

The two entered the kitchen. It was narrow, but big, with a long wooden table in the centre. This room looked the newest of the whole house. It's cupboards were filled with all sorts of foods, and there was hardly and dust on the surfaces.

"Can I get you something to drink?" The man asked.

"Oh, no. Thank you." She replied.
The man nodded and gestured around himself.

"Help yourself to food. I'm sure the others will be up soon."

And then, without a backward glance, he left the room.

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