t h e e n d

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Remus was standing in the astronomy tower, Tonks now at his side, looking out over the grounds, eyes wistful. His eyes caught the whomping willow thrashing about in the darkness, and he remembered himself and the marauders creeping across the grounds in the dead of night. After all this time, he could still hear their laughter echoing in his ears. His heart ached for them. 

But they weren't there any more. They were gone. Forever.

This was not the first time he had realised he had lost everything, two of his friends were dead, the third had betrayed them in the worst way possible. It would never be the same again.

But he could be happy. Tonks was that ray of light in the darkness, the corner of happiness in his world of sadness. And Teddy. He would be there for him like his James and Sirius were.

In that moment he thought of Teddy. He would do anything for him, anything to keep him safe. He would die for him, Tonks too. And that's why, when the green flash erupted from Dolohov's wand tip, he dived for his wife, shielding her from the curse. It struck him in squarely in the chest and his breath caught in his throat, body becoming heavier and heavier with each passing heartbeat. He turned and saw Tonks, eyes wide and face pale, but there was no regret at what he had done. If this was how he would die, if she was the last thing he would see, he would be content. Anyway, he wouldn't be alone, not really. To hear James' voice again, to hear Sirius', it would be like waking up after a long sleep.

"I-I- love..." He stuttered, drawing breath in an attempt to inflate his closing lungs.

Tonks smiled sadly, her eyes welling up.
"I know." She whispered.

"Teddy. Protect him..."

It was an awful yet beautiful sight. The woman was crouched on the ground, clutching her husband who was choking out his last words. His face was scarred yet beautiful, with kind eyes, becoming more and more unfocused. She leaned in and took his face in her hands.

"With my life." She whispered. Her eyes were wet with tears but filled with nothing but honesty. His body heaved a final breath and Tonks choked down a cry of pain.

There was nothing she could do as he fell limp onto her lap, his sandy brown hair falling away revealing muddy green irises that were now glassy and unfocused. But the kindness of his face was still there in the way his eyes were crinkled at the edges, and in the way his mouth was still half pulled into a soft smile.

Tonks pulled him closer to her, and buried her face into his worn jacket. He smelled the same as when she first met him. Of chocolate, of some kind of sweet but musky aftershave, and the woods, the outdoors, and Remus. He just smelled of Remus.

When Bellatrix rounded the corner and shot the killing curse at her, she didn't struggle as the heaviness descended onto her chest. The young woman's hair turned a soft shade of blue. Turquoise. She knew she was at peace, she was going home to the man she loved. She was happy. Her body lay beside her husband's, a hand outstretched, slightly brushing his finger tips with her own, before drawing a heavy breath and exhaling for the last time. Her soul had left to join her husbands in the sky.

When someone decided to ascend the astronomy tower later on, they would find two bodies lying together, hands outstretched, reaching for the other. Above them the stars would dance in the sky, and the moonlight would flood the tower, illuminating the man's scarred face and the woman's youthful one. The stranger would know not to be sad, that they were happy and at peace. They were together and finally going home.

Here comes a feeling you thought you forgot.


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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