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When Remus awoke, it was early evening. The sky had taken an orange tinge, and the ground was dry from the night before.

Stretching his arms and legs, he stumbled upright. His head was spinning, the world drifting to and fro before his eyes. Screwing them shut, he began to contemplate what he could do now.

He could go back to his apartment, drenched in blood and with open wounds, and could attempt to heal himself. He had no food there. There was no money to buy it.

Or, he could return to Grimauld place and be healed properly and fed proper food. But then he would have to face Sirius again, and Molly, Mad Eye. The twins. He would have to apologise to everyone.

His conscience weighed down on him and his pride was already devastated, there was no point trying to resurrect it only by hurting himself more.

Opening his eyes to the glare of the sun, he scam led to reach his wand, groping re dry stone walls. His fingers brushed over the cool, smooth wood of it, and grasping it tightly, concentrated hard.

Within seconds he was outside his house and staring up at the grimy windows. It was more of a shack than anything, with crumbling brick walls and tiny size. He had tried to clean it up, but in the end it was just too much hard work and he didn't have the time or the energy to do it.

Clutching his bloody shoulder, he limped towards the front door. It was so much effort... Too much.
His eye lids were becoming heavy.
The world slipped, the pain was becoming too much for handle, surely if he shut his eyes for a couple of seconds...

His knees buckled but someone caught him. Strong arms grasped his upper body, holding him uptight.

The sound of Arthur Weasley's voice in his ear was comforting.
"Come of Remus, let's get you back to headquarters, Molly'll fix you up."

He tried to groan in protest but all he could manage was a gasp and pain shot through his shoulder. The exhausted man was becoming heavier and Arthur was struggling to keep his tall body up.
The world was drifting in and out of focus.

"Tonks! Hold him upright while I run and tell Molly that he's seriously injured. We'll need Snape, I expect."

There was a flash of pink hair and the lady from yesterday morning was in front of him, her eyes full of pity.
Wrapping her arms around his waist, she hugged his limp body close to hers, holding him upright.

"I'm sorry for-" he drew a sharp breath as the pain became almost unbearable, "yesterday morning..." His whole body was shaking as he tried to stand up by himself.

Tonks' eyes widened.
"Oh no, it doesn't matter at all. Don't worry about it."

Remus nodded which caused his floppy brown hair to fall into his eyes. He made to push it out the way, but winced when he tried to move a shoulder.

"Here." Said a soft voice. Tonks moved her own hand and carefully brushed the hair out of his face.

"You need a trim." She smiled warmly.
He made a sound like a laugh before his soft green eyes dropped shut.

"Remus, no! Come on, wake up." She pleaded to the now still man she was supporting.

She waited until she heard a long ragged breath and was sure he was still alive. Relieved she stroked his hair, trailing her fingers through the knotted ends.
"Hey Remus, it's okay, we're going back the headquarters and we're going to make you all better. You're going to be fine." She whispered softly in his ear.

Just then there was a loud crack! and Arthur Weasley appeared next to them. "They're all waiting for us, Snape's on his way."

Tonks nodded, squeezed her eyes shut and vanished completely, still clutching Remus closely to her, his head now resting on her shoulder.


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