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At number 12, Grimauld Place, the Weasley children and Hermione had been send to their rooms. The order were gathered in the now crowded kitchen, all of them murmuring quietly, looking concerned.

Sirius was sitting alone, his face pale and eyes dull.

Just then, there was a loud bang! and the door hit the opposite wall. In came an unconscious Lupin supported by Tonks and Mr. Weasley.

His head was lolling, his unshaven face a deathly grey. A bloody arms was hanging from the limp body at a dangerous angle.

Mrs Weasley's eyes had filled with tears, which she immediately swiped away with the edge of her sleeve.

Not now Molly, he needs you. She scolded herself.

Her face was now fixed with a determined look as she drew out her wand and swiped glasses and plates from the table.

Now cleared from anything sitting upon it, Remus was laid careful over the wooden table.

Sirius took one look at the beaten body and strode out the room, his face even paler than before.

Tonks stood nervously at the door, hopping from foot to foot and chewing at her nails. Her normal bubble-gum pink hair was now a pale grey, matching her worried expression.

The atmosphere was tense. Every one was staring at Remus with a far-away expression, their mouths slightly agape. Only when he started to stir did they seem to realise what was happening on around them.

Suddenly, Remus' eyes flicked open, bloodshot and watery. A groan erupted from him swollen mouth and everyone seemed to come to their senses at once.

Mrs Weasley conjured up bandages and ran off towards her medicine cabinet. She returned with her arms full of small glass bottles, varying on colour.

Just then Mr Weasley jogged in, his ginger hair now sticking out at odd angles, holding a small vial filled with a clear liquid.

"Severus said he's to take this." He offered the bottle to Mrs Weasley, who gesture to the table. He set it down and then looked helplessly around him.

Mrs Weasley sighed,
"Go and find Sirius."

Mr Weasley nodded, paused as if he was going to say something, but thought better of it, and left the kitchen.

"Now, Tonks dear," Molly said gently "come here and hold his hand, he's going to be in a lot of pain."

Tonks muttered something about Sirius, but stepped forwards slowly, as if scared she might injure him more if she moved too fast. Her small hand wrapped around Remus' big one and began delicately smoothing her thumb over his rough palm.

Molly began unscrewing different bottles and standing them in a neat row. She took the first and scooped out a blue cream, which she them applied to the deep gash in Remus' leg. The angry red colour disappeared into a softer pink.

She then handed Tonks a bottle.
"Blood replenishment potion. "

Tonks nodded solemnly and held it to his lips. He gulped it down obediently.

"This one is going to fix any internal bleeding, but Tonks, it's going to be very painful, but he has to drink it." She handed her a medium sized bottle containing a violet coloured liquid.

He downed it in one gulp before yelling out in pain and his body immediately went rigid, then began convulsing horribly.

"Molly!" Shouted Tonks, "Please! Can't we just take him to St. Mungos?"

Mrs Weasley wouldn't look her in the eyes, but she spoke rather quietly.

"Not a lot of people wouldn't be prepared to help..." She paused, "people like Remus."

Tonks stayed silent but frowned. It was so unfair! To be met with hate and prejudice at every turn. Then a look of determination possessed her normally soft features. She was going to stay with him and care for him better than any stupid healer. It's what he deserved.

But nothing could prepare her for the next potion. It was the small vile of clear liquid Snape had given them. It was rather like water, except a lot thicker, with a syrup-like consistency.

"What's this for?"
But Molly just shook her head. Her expression was pained and she gestured to make him drink it.

"His nerves are very fragile - and understandably so. This potion is meant to fix it. But Tonks, there's going to be a few moments where he's in such immense pain, comparable to the crutiatus curse. But he needs to drink it, do you understand me?"

Tonks nodded meekly and held it to his lips. Remus took one look at the vial and shook his head vigorously.

"I know Remus." She whispered softly. "But it's going to make you better, you have to take it."

The mans eyes only widened he looked more scared than she had ever seen him. Brushing the stray hairs out of his face, she kneeled down next to him and wiped away the wetness around his eyes.

"Remus, honey, just a this last one and it'll all be over, okay?" He nodded.

It killed Tonks to see him like this, so vulnerable, like a child. He looked so scared. He was so big and strong, and it hurt so much to see him in so much pain.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she quickly tipped the contents of the vial into Remus' mouth. A few seconds went by and nothing.

All of a sudden, the mans eyes rolled back into his head and his whole body ceased up. His fingers curled inwards and he screamed in agony. She had never heard a man scream before. When she was younger girls running around screaming and yelling at each other was not uncommon, but now... There was nothing to describe how awful it sounded. Remus was the strong one, the other members of the order had told her as much, how he had been alone for so long, with no hope. What he had to go through, but he dealt with it. His screams of pain were defiantly the worst sound she had ever heard.

"Molly! PLEASE! Make it stop!" She sobbed, "Please make it stop!".

But there was nothing she could do as Remus' screams grew louder. He gave a shudder and collapsed back down on the table, breathing hard. It slowed and took up a steady, peaceful rhythm. He had fallen asleep, Tonks' small hand still entwined in his own.

"Has it ever been this bad?" Tonks asked, not tearing her gaze away from the sleeping man.

Molly sighed.
"Only since he insisted he chain himself up in that damn well." She have a huff of exasperation and it was clear that it was a touchy subject.

"If he just let himself free in a forest, away from any towns or villages, no one would be hurt, and neither would he." She frowned, but her breathing became a bit shaky, and her eyes welled up.

"That man," She smiled sadly "is the best I've ever known. But he constantly punishes himself for things he cannot control. He would rather go through this much agony than bear to put anyone else in danger. He is the bravest man I have ever met, but I wish other people understood that, and most of all, I wish he would believe it as well."

Tonks just continued looking at his scarred, worn face. There was something still so beautiful about the soft eyelashes that tickled his cheekbones, the way his lips were pulled into a kind and peaceful smile even while he slept. The overall gentleness of his expression that made her heart break for this man even more.

She decided then and there that he needed someone to show him the light in himself when he could not see it. Someone to stand up for him in the face of others when they looked down on him. Someone to remind him constantly that he was worth something, and that person was going to be her.

The Untold Story of Remus Lupin (and Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now