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That day everything seemed lighter somehow. The dark mood that had hung heavily over the house had disappeared. Everyone was happy.

Sirius was prancing around the house awaiting the appearance of Harry. Some of the order were going to collect him tonight.

Remus and Tonks were sitting in front of the blazing fire crackling in the sitting room, playing a heated game of wizards chess. Remus was winning.

Mr and Mrs Weasley were with the children who were attempting to clean the old house, though not having much success.

Remus was happier than they had been in months. He stopped the game and turned his attention to Tonks.

"Do you want to come and help me find a gift for Sirius? He's been moping around the house with nothing to do, and it would be nice to get him something."

Tonks snorted.
"He hasn't exactly had nothing to do. He could help clean the house."
Remus grinned.
"But sure I'll come, I feel bad him being locked up and I'll feel better if he has something to play with." She smirked.

With a flick of his wand, Remus cleared away the wizard chess. And picked up their two coats hanging together on the back of the armchair.

They walked together to the front door and Remus held it open for her. She walked outside to the front step and Remus followed, offering his arm.

"I hope you don't mind side-along apparation?" He asked politely.
She shook her head no, smiling and they disappeared into thin air.


The London street was alive with the hustle and bustle of people going about their day. Remus offered Tonks her coat he was still carrying and she accepted, throwing it around her shoulders.

The two walked together, weaving through the crowds until they came to a grimy looking old pub. It had been closed as long as anyone could remember.

Remus turned to Tonks.
"Butter beer?" He asked and she nodded. Again, he held the door open and followed her through.

Inside, the place was alive and warm, the tables were crowded and there was a pub like smell in the air, a mixture of beer and warmth, along with the smokey smell of the fire crackling in the corner, where the occasional witch or wizard stumbled out the flames.

They found a quiet table in the corner, and Tonks sat down while Remus went to get their drinks.

Her eyes drifted across the crowd. There was a group of wizards swaying in a corner, singing drunkenly, and a cluster of young men laughing and yelling boisterously. One of the men caught her eye, he winked and attempted a flirtatious grin. She quickly looked away and turned her attention to a group of older looking wizards and witches, their hushed tones and haughty postures told her that they were from the ministry.

Sitting in a corner on the other side of the room, was a man. He had dark hair and midnight blue robes that matched dark blue, almost black eyes. His appearance meant that he would go unnoticed in a crowd, and this alone told her that he must be an unspeakable. The man moved silently, and no one noticed as he put down his butter beer mug and stood up, eyes flickering upwards to lock with hers. The man gave a weak smile and curt nod before he disappeared into the crowd. He was gone.

Tonks watched Remus leaning over the bar, laughing over something another man said. She smiled at the way his eyes lit up and his head tilted back slightly when he found something funny.

She was ripped from her imagination when a rough hand was placed on her shoulder, causing her to hit a mug off the table. Luckily, it didn't shatter, just rolled along the floor.

She turned to glare at the hand, and in turn the the man it belonged to. It was the wizard that had winked at her earlier. Tonks shifted uncomfortably in her seat, causing the heavy arm to fall limply off her shoulder. She continued to glare, her eyes flashing, and her hair turning to a fiery red.

The man laughed and her insides squirmed.
"A metamorphagus, huh." He smirked. "I've heard stories," his eyes raked up and down her body, and Tonks' hair burned a brighter red, "about them. Never actually met one, let alone..." Heart his words trail off, suggestively.
He was leaning down to her, in a way he thought must be flirtatious, but looked more rather like a predator preparing to pounce.

She was just about to hex him when he was pulled abruptly back. The man struggled to regain his footing and stumbled backwards, falling heavily on the floor. In his place stood Remus, and a sense of calm washed over her. His familiar smell made her feel at home, happier.

The man on the floor was swearing obscenely, while pushing himself to a standing position. Pulling back his arm, and dancing around a bit on the spot like you would get if you were boxing, he got ready to punch, but Remus spun to face him, his tall figure looming over him, scars half illuminated in the candle light. There was no doubt he looked scary. For the first time Tonks noticed he wasn't as skinny as he was muscly, with broad shoulders and chest.

The man seemed taken aback at the look of his opponent, but when Remus didn't try to attack him, he thought he saw his chance and swung his right fist in the direction of his face. But it didn't ever reach it. The werewolf had seized his balled up fist and pinned it awkwardly behind the attackers back, shoving him body roughly into the wall. Crumpling to the floor, the man yelled to stop. Remus gave one last painful shove, which was rewarded by a shout pain, and let the body fall limp.

Tonks just stood there, not too sure of what she had just witnessed, but she grabbed one of the steaming butter beers Remus had brought them and proceeded to dump the hot contents over the strangers head, smirking as he seethed with anger, yet was unable to do anything about it.

Picking up the other butter beer bottle, she offered it to Remus, who, with a slight chuckle, declined and motioned for her to have it, so she took a swig grinning, and hooked her arm through Remus'.

"Thanks for that Remus, but you know I was just about to hex him." Tonks said.

"I know." He replied, "I did it more for him than you, I was more worried for his safety." Tonks grinning and Remus grinned with her.

"I think it's time to find this record player you were going on about?" He asked.



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