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Hello people of the Internet!

Another update on the #MyWattysChoice

Vote. Vote. Vote. Enough said.

Seriously it would mean the world if I did win (it would be a pleasure to be nominated) and yeah that's all there is to speak about The Watty's.

Now hold on, this update isn't all about The Watty's.....

I am now in the process (i know i know it is exactly what you're thinking and let me finish your thoughts and words for you....OH MY FHEHSJAJDA!!!!)

But yes, I am in the process of a sequel (oo la la) for this story.

Hold the applause and chants.

Although I have started school (reason as to why I haven't updated in a long time) so the release of the sequel might not be released as soon as expected since I do have honor classes, clubs, and sports so yeah I am gonna be pretty occupied.

Buuuut I am SUPER EXCITED TO BE WRITING A SEQUEL FOR THIS!!! Better yet, I may or may not have a co-author for the sequel depending on whether if it's possible or not, since I will need help updating with all that since of the complicated work at school.

I will keep you guys updated on more events:)

Lots of love! xx

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