Chapter 7

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The experience Gemini just witnessed not long ago really pushed her to investigate and get to the bottom of it. She dragged the box and put on top of the weary computer desk, picking out different articles and folders as she put her MacBook to the side.

The sun had almost faded as the moon began to rise in all its glory. Mother still hadn't returned from her day out. She let the thought go and turned on the lamp, the yellow rays shining over the papers Gemini was ready to dig into. She picked out the folder she first found in the library, taking out the records inside and reading through them intently.

"Unexplained shooting, Unexplained stabbing..." Gemini murmured to herself as she read on. The vast majorities of the files inside the folder consisted of unexplained murders and several suicides in the town.

Gemini moved onto some closer sources Chase was able to get his hands on. This stuff was private - not available for the public. When she asked how he had gotten his hands on it, he remained quiet, not slipping a word.

Gem looked at the folder, the title reading "Primrose Hill Street - House 1306."

The first thing that caught her attention was the very first page. It held a black and white photograph of a house, an old fashioned man standing in front with a big smile.

The house brought some kind of realization and memory to her mind.

It's been the same house Gemini had moved into. The one she was living in.

She was hesitant to read the paragraph below the photo, scared of what truths would lie in the text about this house.

She swallowed her fear, and pushed on forward with a drowning desire that was dying quickly.

'The first Victorian house to be built on Primrose Hill Street by Sir Richard Styles. In a terrifying blaze that destroyed the home and took the life of Sir Richard, the deed had been passed down to his only son, Harry Styles. Harry, in memory of his late father, rebuilt the home to keep his family's love and dreams alive.'

"Well it's good so far." Gemini admitted, before continuing to the next paragraph. The paragraph held nothing but information about the makings of the home, which didn't interest Gemini one bit.

She flipped the page, to come across an old painting of a man. He had hazelnut curls that were swept up into a messily, wilted quiff. He had deep and intent green eyes that would bore into your own.

He was beautiful, and Gemini agreed.

Until she remembered where she had seen him before.

It was the man she had been seeing the past few days. Her eyes landed on the little sub-text beneath the painting.

'Harry Styles, 1815.'

"Harry." She whispered to herself as she read the lines below.

'In 1816, Harry attended a very important ball before he was found in his basement dead. The investigation to figure out how he was killed ceased as no one could figure out a rational explanation, and no one was a suspect. His body had one single puncture through the heart with what was though to be a knife. Though a knife could not be recovered or found in his home, it still got minds thinking.'

'After the disastrous death of Harry Edward Styles, a string of murders and suicides occurred. It seemed that whoever moved there, death followed them in.'

Gemini was so engulfed with all the information flooding to her head that she didn't notice the unearthly air enter her room. Below the text were photographs of the people who had died in that home 5 years after Harry's passing.

"Florence Peirce." Gemini acknowledged as she saw a photograph that reminded her deeply of the girl she witnessed beside Harry this morning.

"Albert Rudd, Emily Rudd, Delilah Rudd and Jack Rudd." Read Gemini, making her body shake at the thought of a little family dying in the godforsaken house.

"Caroline. J Kettle, Jeremiah Dunn." She continued. "Bonnie Gilbert, Ana Gilbert, Cheryl Gilbert, Anthony Gilbert, Edward Gilbert." The list continued, going further down the page than she would have fancied. The years all stretched out to about the 1900's and beyond. It put her on edge, every inch of her body trembling with the continuous names that poured into mind.

"Oh my god." She breathily spoke, unable to read through all the names. She pushed the papers off the desk, the folder and all it's context inside drifting slowly to the ground. Her breathily became ragged as she realized the cold feeling driving into her heart.

She looked around in the darkness, the lamp being her only source of light. She swallowed the re-occurring lump in her throat, running her small fingers through the roots of her hair before giving an attempt to calm herself down.

"It's okay Gemini." She reassured herself.

Harry walked in, finding Gemini with her eyes closed, her hand on her chest to try and stop the heavy thumping.

"What's this?" He grumbled, walking behind her. Gemini's body tightened before she turned around. She struggled to shrug off the feeling of someone behind her, but it was all too difficult.

"Suicides, Murders, Primrose Hill Street House 1306." Harry mumbled to himself, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why Gemini was reading these.

"What are you doing?" Harry inquired, before roughly searching through the box on the table.

The chair Gemini was sitting on made a distasteful screech against the wooden floorboards as she moved back. She watched in horror the papers and folders being tossed and turned in the box as if someone was there searching through them. She threw her hands in the box to stop the madness, only to take them back out because of the unusual, cold sensation wrapping itself inside.

"What the?" She exclaimed, seeing papers being thrown to the floor.

Harry was getting fairly angry, seeing the papers she was digging into. "Why do you want to know what I've done?" Harry growled lowly, rage developing in his bloodstream.

"Why do you want to know about this curse?" He bellowed, throwing the box of the ground. Harry could hear Gemini's heart thumping out of her chest as she watched the box fall down and spread amongst the floorboards.

She got up immediately, jumping over to the light switch. She took in the appearance of the desk and how messy it was. "I didn't do that." She acknowledged as she watched on, her mind running radically.

"Why." Harry hushed referring to the papers as he appeared behind Gemini. Gemini froze, her body paralyzed as the cold sensations moved all along her body in a way that couldn't be described. Harry's hands caressed her body, giving her shivers in all areas. He walked in front of a frozen Gemini, taking in her distraught and terrified appearance.

Gemini heard an airy voice as she concentrated immensely.

"Answer me." She heard in a low raspy snarl, before she was pushed towards the wall by an unknown force. She felt long fingers curl themselves around her wrists, pinning them up against her head. She couldn't move, she was absolutely petrified and paralyzed against the wall.

"Harry?" She choked as she felt an abnormal feeling press into her body. "Is that you Harry?"

Gemini fell to the ground, gasping for air and comfort as she stumbled onto her knees and hands, crawling her way to the door. She stood shakily onto her feet, before stopping at the entrance of her room.

She then felt an oppressing weight on her chest, as if someone's hand was firmly placed over her heart.


The simple three-letter word made Gemini speed out of the room, her short legs weakening by each stride. She made it to the white oak door, pulling on it vigorously to open.

It wouldn't.

"Now now." Harry hushed, a hefty smirk on his lips. He walked towards Gemini who was frustrated, struggling to find a way out of the house of horrors.

Gemini ran her fingers who through her brown hair, thinking desperately. She moved automatically to the window, trying to find the strength to lift the window.

"Goddamit!" Gemini disgruntled, trying to kick the window out. The feeling followed her, and her throat closed up, unable to support any air. She glanced at the full-length mirror that was beside the front door, before stopping and taking a good look at it.

She stood up straight, frozen and unable to breath as her throat choked up. She saw Harry in the mirror, smiling devilishly from behind her. Several other spirits stood the higher storey of the home watching on, cautious to not make a ruckus or cause too much attention. Gemini dare not wonder why.

She couldn't speak; the only sounds that fell from her lips were quiet little gasps, in desperation for the strength to start moving and run.

He moved closer as she watched in pure horror, his fingers caressing her shaking arm up to her pale cheek. She felt as if she were going to pass out any second.

"This isn't real." She said, her voice cracked and barely audible.

Harry's chuckle vibrated through her ears, his head so close she could feel a discomforting amount of cold flushes through out her body.

"You're wrong there, love." He grinned, Watching Gemini react through the mirror. "It is said that if ghost wanders your home during the night, a mirror can capture it. Do you believe that, darling?"

Quiet sobs were heard, seeping through Gemini's mouth as she felt the shivers of Harry pressed against her backside. "Why so glum love?" He smirked, his cold lips merely touching Gemini's exposed neck. All Gemini could do was let tears fall from her pretty blue eyes. She couldn't find the words to speak, or the strength to turn around only to see no one behind her.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked, the softness and playfulness in his tone decreasing rapidly.

Gemini gulped as she had finally found the courage to speak up and at least move her head silently to the left. Nothing. She could see nothing; no one was there yet the feeling grew stronger and stronger by the minute. She didn't want to believe it, but she swallowed at least a third of her fear and opened her cracked lips.

Her voice was dry and choked as she spoke harshly. "You're a killer." She almost spat.

"Ooh." Harry laughed, the playfulness coming back into view. "Feisty one we have 'ere." He mumbled against her neck, his voice low and raspy in the sexiest tone anyone, dead or alive could manage.

"Don't forget I saved your life." He growled, pushing her back into his body forcefully. She was astounded at how she could feel all of this in cold sensations, hear it all perfectly and see it occur through the mirror, yet not have the ability to see if through her own two eyes, right in front of her.

"You- you attacked him." Gemini choked.

"Yes, good job for catching on." He grinned. "I would have finished him off to think of it. Why didn't I?"

Gemini shook her head as she watched his lips curl up in a demon like smile.

So beautiful, yet so dangerous.

"What do you want from me?" Gemini asked in little gasps. Harry's low laugh echoed throughout her entirety, like ecstasy exploding through her veins. She noticed that his eyes had turned a dark green that made her gulp, full of lust and the want, or more so need of possession. His voice was so low and dark, Gemini could barely hear and understand it.


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