Chapter 14

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I literally had no idea how long I was walking for. It felt like hours, but with my mind so clouded and screwed over, I was probably only walking for five minutes. My heart was still thumping wildly out of my chest, though my breathing seemed to return back to normal. I felt the overriding need to cry – cry my pain away, cry my sorrows away.

But I couldn’t. I was all cried out. My cheeks were dry, looking dull and lifeless as I stumbled into town. I was so tired and worn-out; all this thinking seriously took the life out of me.

Every time I think about what occurred in that basement, it makes me want to drift away or go somewhere where none of that happened, where I could be at peace.

But that wasn’t going to happen because every time I closed my eyelids, I could see Harry’s dark eyes flash red from anger, glint in the darkness as a cruel grin latched itself on his skin, and his wicked laugh echo around the room. I could feel his long slender fingers around my neck as if it were only seconds ago he tried to kill me.

The sun had now disappeared behind thick dreary clouds that threatened the town with rain. The weather returned to it’s miserable, depressing self, and I found it ironic when the change in weather came. 

Before that time in the basement it was peaches and cream, just like the weather. Now, the tense feeling in my heart was irrevocable, and the weather seemed to agree.

I looked up from the ground to lock eyes with little children who bypassed me, laughing and chatting non-stop with their Mothers and Fathers.


“No. Stop Gemini.” I hissed to myself, pushing the unwelcome thoughts back down.

I continued walking, shaking my head to rid the terrible memories, the hateful thoughts. I looked around to see everyone walking around the town, minding their own business. They probably had terrific lives, and didn’t have a psychotic spirit that is trying to kill them and take them as their queen.

No. It’s not like that for them.

Soft pattering was heard around me, as my hair slowly grew damp. I lifted my head up to the sky before little droplets splattered onto my face. Sighing loudly, I continued walking with my head down as the rain began to fall quicker and with more force. 

Groaning inwardly, I began running hastily as the rain began to pelt down at full speed, the amount of ferocity astounding. Why does the weather want to punish me? I knew how dangerous it was to take refuge in an undercover alleyway, but right now, in my given situation, I didn’t care. 

Nothing could topple my current problem.

A loud sigh of relief flew through me as I sunk against the brick wall, sliding down until my bottom came into contact with the cement. I brushed my damp hair out of my face, bringing my knees up to my chest as I began rocking back and forth. I didn’t notice the temperature drop until now.

The icy wind wanted to torment me more, by blowing through my thin shirt and penetrating my pale skin.

My mind began drifting back to that damn house, and that damn spirit with jade green eyes and that perfect quiff with several little curls hidden behind it.

“Why?” I murmured to myself, my body beginning to feel hopeless and weak. Where was I going to go? I couldn’t go back to that house, even if I wanted to. Harry would try and kill me again, no doubt.


I let out a scream as I retracted away from the voice. My eyes shrunk when I realized it was only Louis, who was stifling a laugh. 

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