Chapter 3

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Gemini put her dishes in the sink after a delicious dinner she had made. Moving from home to home did have its advantages - learning how to cook various different types of meals from the family's ethnicities was always good.

Gem got the water running - read to wash and clean her dishes alongside cleaning Mother's alcohol and mess away. Mother had been out, making money on the street just like every night. Gemini was clueless as to why the nuns even let Mother into the orphanage.

She stunk of weed and alcohol and looked like she belonged to the circus - So what on earth prompted the nuns to let her take Gemini?

"Very Christ like, for sure." Gemini muttered to herself as she started to scrub the living daylights out of the plate. As gem was taking out all her anger and distress on the dishes, Harry watched on with a smug grin on his face.

His eyes moved everywhere she went, and Gemini became more aware of the chill entering the room once again. She stopped her attack on the plate, looking up and taking in the surroundings with fuller, more intent eyes.

She scrunched her eyebrows in curiosity, feeling the cold air linger around her body, wrapping around her pale skin. She shuddered before looking around after hearing whispery voices.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She yelled, her voice echoing around the empty house.

"Why yes beautiful, there are quite a few people here." Harry grinned, walking up behind Gemini.

His finger traced her arm, leaving instant Goosebumps as he trailed up to her neck. Gemini shut her eyes at the cold sensation, the feeling frightening yet desirable. She felt powerless, as if there was anything there, she would surrender almost immediately.

"And there will be another addition soon."

With Harry's last melodic words spoken, Gemini felt a rush of adrenaline. She heard a whispery voice but couldn't make out what they tried to say. No. She thought to herself.

"Stop it Gemini there's no one here." She sighed shakily, knowing in her heart she wasn't alone.

Harry laughed at her silly statement, seeing that the reassurance didn't work at all on her.

"Oh how wrong you are." He whispered into her ear. She was still frightened, but in her eyes were hints of reveling in the cold uninviting air around her.

She secretly enjoyed it and gave a little smile inside whenever it arrived.

"You will join me." Harry said coldly. The amount of truth behind it was nothing short of terrifying.

He ducked his head into her neck, lightly sucking and biting. The sensation brought Gemini to stand upright and still, as she felt an area over her neck become painful in seconds. The cold air stung into her skin at that particular spot on her neck, shocking her at how cold it was. His delicate mouth worked over he fragile, pale skin and tore into it easily. His plumb lips on her skin send sparks of cold ecstasy through her veins.

Harry's teeth grazed into her skin, Gemini gasping and groaning from the pain and temperature. She couldn't move - She was paralyzed in shock at the sudden pain that she enjoyed deep down.

Harry's head was brought up again, before he licked over the small love bite that he created. He chuckled as he rubbed Gemini's arm slowly. Gemini was still shocked, struggling to breathe and keep her composure.

"You're mine now." He thickly spoke, before disappearing from behind Gemini.

After the cold air diminished completely, Gemini could finally feel her voice coming back, and her legs. She looked around, everything becoming normal once more.

She sprinted off towards the bathroom, dashing into the room before taking a glance in the mirror. Her face fell into a distorted look, her eyes wide and alert, her mouth dropping so low it shocked her.

There in clear sight, a blue and purple mark grazed into her neck. Her fingers were lifted to touch the bite, before throwing her arms down in pain. Her breathing was ragged and uneven, unable to comprehend what she was seeing.

She gulped heavily, trying to throw down the terrifying confrontation of the mark. She shook her head, before letting her hair fall down her chest to hide the obvious marking.

"This isn't real." She mumbled, trying so hard to keep herself from breaking, from realizing that this is real. Her hands were placed firmly on the sink, her head looking down the drain. Her hair was a mess, as she thought over rational explanations.

"I'm just stressed and my skin is breaking out." She repeatedly told herself. It didn't work.

"I'm tried, and it's getting to me so I'm just hallucinating." Gemini yelled getting overly frustrated hoping it would get through her thick brain. "Yeah, I'm hallucinating."

She opened the mirror, to see a cabinet full of pills. She took two paracetamol pills and chucked them down, dry swallowing them to relieve her erupting headache.

Gemini let out a long and exaggerated sigh before closing the cabinet. She kept her eyes shut, trying to calm her thoughts that were running around erratically.

Once her heart rate became even and her breathing slowed to a healthier pace, she opened her eyes to take in her distraught and tired appearance once more.

Her eyes drifted over her shoulder to see in the doorway a seductively beautiful tall, devilish looking male whose hair was brought up into a quiff. He wore a ripped, untidy white shirt with blood stains decorated all along it, accompanied with black trousers. His attire gave the impression of a pleasant night out in a suit have a turn for the worst.

The way he was presented horrified her.

His curls were messily going in every direction as he stood lazily against the doorframe. He was breath taking, intimidating, mesmerizing, and beautiful. He had the most beautiful green eyes she had ever seen, his big indents in both cheeks shown with a smirk screaming a thousand words - screaming that Gemini wasn't going anywhere.

Her heart rate picked up as she spun around faster than ever, her mind dizzy and her head ache travelling faster than imagined. Her eyes came into focus, looking directly at the door.

No one was there.

Her body became weak and lifeless, her mind corrupted and dizzy from the whiplash. Her body soon became reliant on the sink as she rested against it. Her eyes fluttered open and closed, her mind spinning faster than ever.

She couldn't think properly nor speak a word in helplessness. Her body couldn't keep itself up as her legs ached for strength.

She collapsed to the cold floor. She found refuge in the ground, her body lying numb and paralyzed unable to get back up.

Her head felt heavy and painful, Gemini so weak she couldn't even keep her own eyes open. She fluttered her eyes, becoming close to just shutting them completely.

A strange tall, looming figure came into view in front of her. The only colours she could make out were black, white and red. Gemini knew it was a man by his stature and body shape. He bent down to her, looking at her intently through the most beautiful green eyes.

She couldn't keep them open for any longer. She shut her eyes automatically and fell into a deep darkened slumber with the beautiful males face clear in her mind.

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