Chapter 6

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Gemini walked into the large and open library. She didn't quite know where to look, but started with the historical archives section at the back of the library.

The calm quiet sense of the library put her at ease. Peace and quiet was something Gemini longed for. She walked into the archives section, not a person in sight. A splash of relief flew over her entirety, as she was by herself to examine the archives of the town.

"Now." She started, her eyes glancing over the years and names of the archives. Her eyes landed on a folder with the name of Primrose Hill Street. Gemini smiled in success as she took the folder from the remaining archives.

She turned around, her eyes firmly plastered on the title when she bumped into someone. The newspaper articles and paragraphs about the street were scattered all along the carpet.

Gemini regained her balance from the help of the stranger. "I'm sorry." The man apologized, his voice having an American accent. Gemini looked up at what she thought to be an Abercrombie and Fitch model.

"Uh- it's um, it's fine." Gemini laughed uneasily. He gave her a heart-stopping smirk, before bending down to pick up the sheets and hand it to her.

"Research for something important?" He questioned, giving a half-hearted laugh. Gemini nodded as she placed the papers back into the folder.

"You could call it that."

Gemini struggled to look into his eyes; they were a misty green that really impacted her. She decided to look at ground, at lease with that she wouldn't faint of act like a complete weirdo in front of the guy.

"Oh, forgive me. I'm Chase. Chase Carter." He introduced, flashing a toothy smile. Gemini gulped as she shook the hand in front of her. "I'm Gemini."

"Lovely name." He complimented, a blush creeping over Gem's cheeks.

What a bone structure... Gemini thought to herself as she looked over his perfectly sculptured cheekbone and jaw line.

"Wow, I must say that you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." Chase muttered, looking deep into Gemini's blue irises.

"Thank you." Gemini smiled as she played with the folder. A few minutes of silence was exchanged over the two.

"Would you like some help with your research? I know some really good websites and places to look." Chase offered, walking over to the table.

Gemini looked up from her folder, and nodded as she gladly took the seat in front of him.

"I'd like that, thank you Chase."


"She's been gone for ages now." Harry expressed, walking into Gemini's room.

"Give her time. It's obvious she saw us in the window she's just probably spooked." Florence comforted.

"Well she needs to know, that I am a very impatient man." Harry mumbled as he looked through Gem's photo album. He examined each and every face in the photos, a few reoccurring quite often.

"That's her family. They passed away from a car accident." Florence whispered, pointing to the people surrounding Gemini in the photograph.

"Hm. So that filthy, promiscuous woman who lives here has no relations to her?" Harry inquired, turning to Florence with the book still in his hand.

"No. She's just an adoptive mother."

"Good." Harry said abruptly as a photo caught his eye.

Gemini was beside a boy, looking very romantic and close. It enraged him inside but he wouldn't let Florence take any notice.

"I'll go." Florence hummed before floating out without a sound.

Harry remained solely focused on the photograph. The man's hands were wrapped around her waist as she held the camera up. His lips were placed over her cheek as her beautiful smile was shown.

She looked happy. Harry looking into her mind, seeing what she was thinking about.

"Who is Chase Carters?" He questioned, seeing Gemini and Chase smiling and laughing together while doing research in the library.

And it angered Harry. "She should only be happy with me." He muttered.

Gemini strolled through the front door and immediately up to her bedroom. Harry watched the angel in front of him glow with an unusual charisma and smile. She laughed before placing paperwork, folders and historical archives on the ground.

Gemini sat herself on the bed, before falling back and laughing. Her time with Chase was amazing, phenomenal. It had been a while since she smiled a real, genuine one. And Chase made her do just that.

Harry walked over to the boxes of archives and folders. He looked through them briefly, before noticing that Gemini had gotten up and moved towards her drawers.

Gemini saw that her photo album was open on top of the drawers. She looked at the photos, seeing one of her family and the other with her ex boyfriend. She looked around the room for any other sign of entry, before yelling out if Mother was home.

She wasn't, she was never home anyways. She wondered how the album was open and on the drawers. She didn't put it there or leave it open. She hadn't even looked through it for a long time.

Gemini returned to the album, as Harry walked up behind her. He let his cold breath hover over the love bite he created, Harry holding a smirk in pride and achievement.

The return of the cold aura made Gemini stiffen up. The freezing cold breathing over her neck became apparent again, making Gemini gulp heavily.

She looked down at the photo of her ex, before taking it out of the slip. Even though the dark, intense feeling had come back, she decided to ignore it and relax. Harry could see this in her blue eyes as she struggled to think nothing of it.

Her gaze rested on the boy in picture, a smile creeping on her lips at the memories they shared. Harry, reading her thoughts and seeing the memories they hard made his blood boil.

"One thing you need to realize, love." Harry began, whispering it softly into her ear.

Harry's hand moved to the photograph, touching it lightly. "Is that you are mine."

All of a sudden, the photograph burst into flames.

Gemini gasped in shock as she let it fall to the ground, watching it crumble and turn into ash under the fire. She stepped on the flames in an attempt to stop the moving disaster.

The flames diminished as Gemini picked up the picture to examine the damage done. Her breathing was heard as her chest heaved up and down rapidly.

In the photograph, there was one large hole created by the flames. The hole was directly over her ex's face, as if someone tried to take his face out of the photo. Gemini's face though, was untouched by the flames and had no major burns on it.

Gemini looked closer to the photograph, looking just below her face. There was a four-letter word burnt into the photograph that got her heart racing.


To say she was scared would be an understatement.

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