Chapter 12

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Gemini woke to the soft stroking of her hair. Her eyes fluttered open to take in the beautiful angel before her. Harry gleamed down at her as Gemini mirrored him before she placed her head against his chest.

Gemini had noticed something as she ran her fingertips across the chiseled abs covering his stomach. He wasn't as cold as before.

She looked over at the little clock on her bedside table that read 9:38 am. She let out a big sigh of comfort as she plunked her head back onto his hard yet comfy chest. She let out a little giggle as she remembered last night as if it happened only moments before.

"I know, it was amazing." Harry grinned down at Gemini.

"Okay mister." Gemini began, sitting upright as she tried to put on a serious façade. She took the white sheet along with her, to cover her front as her hair fell messily down her chest.

"You are not allowed to read my mind unless I give you permission." Gemini ordered as she peered into Harry's eyes.

"You're sex hair looks beautiful. You should have it like that more often." Harry winked.

"Harry!" Gemini grunted before slapping him. He didn't even wince. Gemini exaggerated the roll of her eyes as she let out a large exhale.

"Anyway, I've had better." She sighed curtly.

Harry's smirk disappeared in an instant. Gemini held in the laugh that was about to erupt as she tried to act simple and truthful.

"No way." Harry gulped.

"Yes way." Gemini scoffed.

"I don't believe you." Harry shook his head, his wilted quiff shaking with him.

"Fine. Read my mind, I'm sure you'll get some images of the past." Gemini grinned, knowing in her mind Harry wouldn't dare do that in fear jealousy or rage would melt over him like hot wax.

She simpered, looking pleased with herself as she indulged Harry's mortified expression.

"Anyway, back to the mind reading. Did you get what I said?" Gemini inquired, referring back to her order.

"Sorry love, but I make my own rules." Harry grinned, his previous shocked and jealous guise disappearing in an instant. "I don't follow anyone else's."

Gemini's face turned sour and a grimace began to form. "Come on Harry. That's not fair."

Harry sighed before looked down at the duvet covering his lower half. "Maybe, perhaps you could convince me?" He mumbled with a smirk.

"Yeah, I could. Or I could just make your time here a misery." Gemini shrugged before she got up, letting the sheet fall back to the bed.

She easily got out up completely naked. She caught a glimpse of an astounded and ghostly white Harry as he just watched Gemini move towards her cupboards. He knew she was naked last night, but because of the rush and the darkness he couldn't see her perfectly.

Now he could. And it made him choke on air - in a good way.

Gemini moved to the drawers, opening the one with her lingerie. "I'll need your help Harry." She sighed before turning to him. "Pick one." She winked before choosing random types of lingerie.

Harry gulped heavily as Gemini turned around with red and white-laced underwear and a dark blue and scarlet lace bra. Everything in that department was lace - It made her feel beautiful even though no one was going to see it.

"So we have these," Gemini began, before she placed the bra around her breasts in an attempt to show them off. Harry just sat in awe and shock as she turned back around and put them back in the drawer.

"Ooh. I think you'll like these-" Gemini was cut off by the low raspy voice of the man behind her.

"How dare you do that to me." He growled into her ear. She grinned, before turning her head to look innocently into his darkening orbs.

"What? Tough choice? I think the dark red and blue really compliments my eyes and-" Harry lips interrupted her sentence as they crashed down onto hers. It was like an atomic bomb went off - A repeat of last night was all they wanted.

Gemini's legs wrapped around his waist as he pulled her closer, a low and gravely moan escaping his lips as her breast were pushed against his chest.

They stopped the kiss, Gemini sitting comfortably on his waist as they both looked into each other's eyes with hunger - Harry more so than Gemini.

"So you will stop reading my mind without permission?" Gemini asked, as an eyebrow rose.

Harry's jaw clenched as he grunted in frustration. "Yes." He mumbled, not even making a whisper.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Gemini grinned as she pretended she couldn't hear.

"Yes now stop being such a fucking tease." Harry snarled.

She bit her lip at his response, her eyes lingering on his swollen pink lips. She looked up at him again with the same amount of desire and hunger that he had.

"Good boy." She chuckled into his ear, making Harry clench his jaw together tightly in sexual frustration.

"Read my mind." She seductively whispered.

He did so, and smirked before saying in such a low and husky voice it made Gemini shiver.

"With pleasure."

And with that, they managed to get back under the covers and begin an encore of last night's performance.

Gemini ran out of the room so she could stop the phone that rang over and over again like a broken record.

"Hello?" She croaked, trying not to laugh as she felt Harry's hands snake around her waist. She was wearing an oversized NFL shirt she bought a few weeks ago, with nothing underneath. Harry was back in his usual attire, being a plain, stained white shirt and dress pants.

"Hey! It's Chase." The man on the other line informed. Gemini tried to stop the giggles as Harry's hand moved all along her waist and stomach as he whispered dirty things into her ear. His lips moved senselessly around her face, to her jaw and neck.

Being dead must have its advantages, because you never get tired. Harry never got tired.

"Oh hey Chase!" Gemini smiled as Harry's hands stopped. He paused, as she shifted her weight uncomfortably onto one foot.

"You're phone isn't working?" Chase inquired.

Gemini looked over to her room. It was still settled in the wall. "Yeah sorry."

"It's alright. Hey did you want to come over or something today?" Chase asked.

Harry's body stiffened from behind Gemini, his breathing becoming loud as he moved to her ear.

"No." He whispered harshly, an overwhelming sense of authority and control in his voice. Gemini gulped as his breath left cold tingles on her neck.

"Uh, um how about we just go for coffee?" Gemini stammered as she felt Harry's hands on her hips tighten.

"Erm, sure I guess. See you at The Coffee Club in an hour?"

"Yeah sure."

"Okay bye beaut-"


Gemini put the phone on the hook after she made the line go dead. She turned slowly to face Harry, whose jaw was tensed so hard she thought his bone would shatter.

"Calm down Harry."

"You're not going to see him."

"I'm only going to go to tell him I can't be with him." Gemini reassured, watching his eyes slowly go darker. Gemini moved past him and strolled back into her bedroom. Harry shut the door behind him as he walked in.

"You couldn't have just said it over the phone?"

"No because it's not polite manners to turn someone down over the phone." She sighed as she began to pull out shoes and knee high black socks.

"You're not going like that are you?" Harry pestered, looking Gemini up and down. Her oversized tee was cut off halfway up her thigh.

"Why does it matter?" Gemini whined.

"Because I don't want that prick called Chase to look at you with your legs showing like that." Harry argued.

"Come on put these on at least." Harry pleaded, bringing out ripped Boyfriend Jeans. Gemini pulled a long face at Harry before groaning.

"But Harry-"

"Just wear them." He ordered. Instead of giving it to Gemini to put on herself, he bent down and forced her legs up and through the hole. He pulled her jeans up, his hands gliding over the curve of her bum before they rested loosely on her waist.

"There." He grinned. "That wasn't so bad was it?"

She rolled her eyes before chucking the shoes and socks she was prepared to wear back in the cupboard. She picked out her black vans and a simple black handbag to accompany her look. Gemini attempted to pull all her sex hair up in a ponytail when Harry's long thin fingers stopped her.

"No. Leave it out." He ordered with an arrogant smirk.

"Why it's sex hair."

"Exactly." He grinned cockily.

Gemini glanced over the coffee shop and found Chase still beautiful as can be and resembling something of a flawless artwork. She tipped the taxi driver before she stepped out in the simple clothing Harry had forced her to wear.

"Hey!" Exclaimed Chase as he stood up and hugged Gemini with a lingering kiss on her cheek.

"Erm, hi." She said abruptly before sitting down. They were sat on an outside table, watching the passing cars cruise by and whatnot.

Chase laughed uncomfortably and out of embarrassment as Gemini declined his kiss. "So erm, how've you been?" Chase quizzed as he cleared his throat.

"Good, really good." Gemini smiled genuinely. "You?"

"Good good." Chase nodded in agreement, an awkward silence coming between the two.

Gemini bit her lip as she slowly rocked forward and back, Chase looking off into the distance as the conversation ran its dry course. His cheekbones were so prominent and high; it made Gemini just want to sit there in awe the entire day.

But of course, her mind was focused solely on another man - A dead man.

"What happened to your neck?" Chase questioned, pointing to the red mark firmly planted on her white skin.

"Oh erm," She stuttered. She couldn't exactly say it was a love bite from a ghost who died centuries ago, ESPECIALLY when he didn't believe in such a thing.

"I'm just getting a bit sick and my skin is getting patchy." She lied. He seemed to have accepted her lie as he nodded in conclusion.

"That must suck." He whispered before chuckling. Gemini's eyes grew bigger as she laughed uneasily.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

The unwanted and awkward silence returned for a good 3 minutes. Chase had wondered if Gemini wanted to get anything, but she kindly declined building up a fib that she had eaten before she arrived.

A few more minutes passed before it became inevitable that the problematic silence was getting to Gemini.

"So uh-"

"Chase I think we should just stay friends." Gemini interrupted, looking away from his dreamy green eyes.

He clenched his jaw, his expression solemn as his misty eyes began to dull. Gemini felt as if someone had punched her in the chest repeatedly; she detested what she was doing to Chase with a passion.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, looking down at the palms of her hands.

"Did you meet-"

"Yeah." She cut him off again, admitting in defeat as Chase nodded slowly.

"Okay," He began. "But just promise me one thing."

Gemini looked up and into his green orbs as they began to lighten and tinkle charmingly. She smiled at his change of attitude towards it, before ushering him to continue.

"Promise to be kick ass friends?" He grinned, before holding out his pinky.

Gemini chuckled before nodding. "Definitely."

She took his pinky in with hers, squeezing tightly before they shook it around like two idiots. She began to pull away when he stopped her.

Wait we need to stamp it."

Gemini looked up at his with softer expressions before returning into a gleeful smile.

"How could I forget?" She questioned with a subtle laugh before they pushed the pads of their thumbs together in unison.

Gemini arrived back home, opening the door and then shutting it quickly.

"I'm home!" She expressed.

She put her bag on the side table beside the entrance before stumbling up the stairs and dragging her legs into her room. She was so tired and worn out, not just physically but also mentally. She just wanted to collapse and sleep for a long time.

She stood at the side of her bed as she looked down at the duvet covers. Thoughts flowed through her mind with ease, events that happened under the sheets made her giggle as she admitted to herself.

He was SO much better than the others.

"I knew it."

Gemini spun around to find an arrogant Harry closing up the space between them by snaking his hands around her waist and pulling her in. Her back was firmly placed to his front as Harry let out a deep humming sound.

"Don't read my thoughts." Gemini warned stepping away from his cold body and turning to face him. Harry grinned and forced her back into his body without even flexing a muscle.

His hands were on her back, moving lower and lower with each second going by in a painfully slow way. His grin vanished completely before it turned into a distasteful, grimace driven by building rage.

"You promised to stay in contact with him?"

"You promised to stay out of my head."

"Yeah well I tend to break the rules."

"Well so do I." Gemini sneered.
"Not with my rules you don't." Harry growled; his eyes darkening with desire and his thoughts clouded with lustful thoughts.

"If I don't particularly like your rules, then I wont follow them." Gemini expressed, giving a smile before falling on the bed with a sigh.

Harry was found on top of Gemini in an instant. He kissed up her arm before moving towards her collarbone, towards her chin, then up to her aching lips where he stopped.

It amazed Gemini how he could arouse her and send her mind into a panic with dangerous thoughts so quickly. Harry grinned at her thoughts, licking his lips hungrily as his eyes become darker by the second.

Stay out of my head Styles. Gemini warned silently.

"Or what?" Harry sniggered, his breath smelling very minty and fresh for a dead guy.

"Well I could do a lot of things. I could tease you, I could be a complete challenge for you, stubborn and all or I could ignore you straight up. Your pick." Gemini smiled.

Harry chuckled before looking deeply into her eyes, as their faces were inches apart. His hands made little circles on her bare arm, moving up to the exposed part of her chest before the fabric clouded the rest.

"I'll take my chances." He whispered dangerously low. "And I highly doubt you'll make it at least even 5 minutes before you're begging for me. Remember two can play that game."

Gemini bit her lip as she examined his softly tan cheeks and admiring how plumb and rosy his lips were. And felt.

"Too bad for you, I'm tired." Gemini whispered as he rested on top of her, his lower regions becoming noticeably hard. Gemini grinned in success as his shaft was felt against her legs through the material covering it.

His lips lingered over hers as they exchanged breaths; just staring into each other's darkened eyes that were solely controlled with lust. Gemini's knee began to move up against Harry's hardening crotch before he let out a throaty moan, her leg moving back and forth at a teasingly slow pace.

"What's that?" She questioned, before circling the swollen crotch with her right leg.

"Did I do that?" She grinned, seeing the pain and hunger in Harry's dark eyes. He stared down at Gemini with a lecherous gaze as she bit her lip seductively.

"Don't you dare." Harry growled breathily, his voice so demanding and strong. Gemini flipped him over she that she was now straddling his toned chest.

"Well this is how it's going to go down," Gemini whispered in her most seductive and lustful voice she could successfully pull off. (Which wasn't that much of a drama considering her voice is already low.)

"You don't read my thoughts, and I don't do this."

Harry's jaw clenched as Gemini moved down his stature, her bottom resting on his bulging shaft that so desperately wanted to get out of the confined space in his pants.

Gemini moved further down so that his crotch was directly in front of her. She grinned at Harry's weaken state, so engulfed in the need to have Gemini and craving every inch of body again.

Her fingers lightly traced his growing crotch, making a throaty groan fall from Harry's lips as he titled in head back into the duvet. It was so cold, just like the night before. It sent shivers across Gemini's body whenever she came into contact with it, even if it was covered.

"Do I make myself clear?" Gemini spoke with authority in her voice.

"I'll get you for this, don't you worry love." Harry growled as his hungry eyes met hers in desperation and control.

"Hm. I'll take that as a yes." She grinned in pride, clearly pleased with herself. Her fingers moved up from Harry's restricted crotch, her fingers dancing all along his beautifully toned chest up to his lips.

"Good boy." She muttered against his lips, lowering to get one single kiss. They lips met, and she could tell by the way his hands enveloped in her hair, he wanted more.

He was craving it all.

But, she wouldn't let him have it. She easily sat back up, her fingers falling back slowly, making sure that they reached every part of his body in front of her.

Her hands skimmed over his hard crotch, making Harry moan softly, Harry fisting the duvet covers.

Gemini jumped off his body and on the creaking floorboards. She grinned as she tugged down the Boyfriend Jeans Harry had pestered her to wear and threw them in the washing basket. She was now left in her oversized tee shirt that would ride up against her legs, showing a bit more leverage.

Gemini turned around to feel Harry's body enclose around her. She was pushed roughly up against the wall, Harry's lingering uneven icy breath near her ear.

"Don't worry, love. Your punishment will come soon." He chuckled into her ear, his low voice sending spasms through out her entire body.

"You will reap what you sow." Harry growled thickly, his hands roaming freely underneath Gemini's shirt.

"One thing you need to get into your mind, darlin'." Began Harry, his cold breath over her face as he hungrily smirked.

Gemini's breathing was ragged as she sucked in a long breath and shut her eyes, waiting for his statement that would be forever replay in her mind.

"You give it to me like that, I'll give it back ten times harder. That's a promise."

Gemini's eyes shot open, triggered by sexual frustration and heightened arousal.

And with that low seductive raspy voice still lingering in her mind, Harry was gone.

"He NEEDS to stop doing that." Gemini scolded to herself.

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