The Prince Full of Pride

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We had finally arrived on earth. After that long dreadful ride I could finally stretch out my arms and legs. And finally being on a plannet nappa wouldn't be the only life form for miles that I could talk too. Another minuet in that pod listining to him singing that idiotic song i would of lost it. But no matter, We're here now. And its time to raise hell

Goku: destroy this plannet?! Not if we can help it!

Krillen: goku are you sure we should be challenging them? Maybe a nice gift would change their mind about blowing earth up.
Bulma: oh come on guys. You're going all about this the wrong way.

Vegeta: *laughs loudly* nappa check out the look on their idiotic faces!

Nappa: just give it all up already there's no way you can stop us.

Bulma: yo home boy. Yeah you with the black spikey hair!

Vegeta: home boy? That's such an obsered name. I am prince vegeta. The prince of all saiyans!

Bulma: ohhhh a prince. That right there just makes you even cuter. *she winks giggling like a school girl*

Vegeta: *a slight blush coming over* cute?! I am not cute!

Nappa: vegeta your face is turning a little red.


bulma: oh come on now you know I'm right about you being cute.

Vegeta: *face turns red and raises his arms charging his blast* damn it women do you want to die?!

Nappa: vegeta your face is turning red again. Do you like that human girl?

Vegeta: *grits his teeth together and turns twords nappa launching his hands forward the purple blast shooting twords him* CALICK GUN!

Nappa: no vegeta wait! *the blast hits nappa directly covering his whole body as he vaperises into nothing*


Nappa was finally gone. I no longer had to look at his ugly face. Without his mouth running wild I finally had piece and quiet.

Goku: he just completely destroyed that guy in one move!

Krillen: and you're the one who wanted to challenge him to a fight. I'm thinking we're in a little bit of trouble right about now.

Bulma: *stands there wide eyed her face blue as she shakes in fear*

Vegeta: *turns around and faces the others* oh I almost forgot about you three. *smirks raising one hand aiming at them* say goodbye to your plannet. And your lives.

Krillen: he blushes when you say or do something bulma. Quick come up with something real quick.

Bulma: oh uh...right! *bulma dashes out in front of them. A while grin* hey prince you sure you wanna do that? There isn't anything else... *raises the edge of her skirt flashing her undies* ....that you'd rather do?

Vegeta: *eyes widen as they start to twitch and the blast vanishes another blush coming over his face. He quickly turns flying off at top speed as the others watch*


Goku: I don't get it....why do guys get ref faced when girls do that?

Krillen: oh goku I feel sorry for you. You have no idea. Didn't your grandpa explain about the birds and the bees?

Goku: the birds and the bees? What do birds and bees have anything to with girls?
Krillen: well goku you see....

Vegeta fly's a pretty good distance and hides in the trees. He covers his blushy cheeks with his hands

Vegeta: stupid female human. I am a prince and I deserve a little more respect then that. *looks up at the sky as the flashback of frieza flashes through his mind* but at the sane time do I really need to follow lord friezas orders? I know he was the one who blew up our home plannet. Father.....what should I do?

Bulma stands there finger to her lip thinking about what had just happened. Was this really the guy that the dragon had spoke of? He sertainly seemed into her for sure. But she had to know for sure.

Goku: whaaat?! *falls back on his butt looking up at krillen* that's the whole thing about guys and girls?! That's descusting! Why would I put my....

Krillen: goku you're the only guy who couldn't possibly understand

Bulma: what are you two talking about?

Goku/krillen: nothing!

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