vegetas new rival?

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There was a huge power heading for the earth. But I've felt as if I've heard the voice before. And back up? Why do I need back up?! I'm the prince of all saiyans! To force me to take back up is insulting! One of these days I will see to it that lord friza comes to an end! And then I'll spit on his grave and laugh. That bastard will regret the day he decided to cross the path of the saiyans!

*a space ship entered the plannets atmosphere. It comes smashing into the ground making a creator in the earth. Vegeta immediately flies off in its direction and stops just over top of the hole it left in the ground*

Vegeta: hmph. The moment he steps out I'll attack. He will not interfear with my eratication of the pathetic creatures on this plannet

*the door to the pod opens up. The hand grabs the side of the pod as he slowly steps out of the pod. His armor was identicle to that of vegetas but different colors.*

Vegeta: no way....its you?!

???: there you are vegeta. I was wondering if you'd be kind enough to be waiting around for me.

Vegeta: out of all the people why would he send you? Cui

Cui: its very simple really. You can't handle the mission that's why. Anyway where's nappa?

Vegeta; couldn't handle the....grrrr hmph. Me and nappa had some differences. So I took care of it. *vegeta smirks stareing cui down*

Cui: you killed nappa? *burst out laughing* oh vegeta you're too much. Two days here and all you can manage is the death of your partner.

Vegeta: grrrr I will destroy...

*before vegeta could finish he was stopped by his name being yelled*

Bulma: oh vegeta!!!!~

Vegeta: *his eyes widen a small blush coming over his face. He quickly turns around* women! Why the hell did you follow me here?!

Bulma: oh hey vegeta....whose that? Ugh he looks like a monster.

Cui: hmmm how interesting. This women made you blush. Do you like her?

Vegeta: *turns around growling* no I do not like this women!

Bulma: is he bothering you vegeta? Hey you! Freak! Leave my man alone! He can kick your ass!

Vegeta: *eyes widen turning around* women you're just asking for your death aren't you?!

Cui: her man huh? I thought you said you didn't like this women.

Vegeta: *turning back around* urgh you shut up! I'm seconds away from pounding your face in you imbread freak!

Cui: imbread freak?! Is that a challenge? You're gonna go down! No one insults me like that and gets away with it?

*vegeta stops when he hears bulma scream
He turns around to see what had happened when he sees yamacha taking her by hand and walking off*

Yamcha: come on babes. Let's get out of here. I'm gonna take you on vacation and you and I are gonna have some fun.

Bulma: yamacha let go of me I don't wanna go with you!!

Vegeta: oh no you don't!

Yamcha: oh come on babe you know you wanna have some fun with me

*vegeta charges in swings his fist. Yamcha ducks the first going over his head*

Yamcha: not this time! I was prepared for it! Hiya!!!

*yamcha swings back with his fast letting go of bulmas hand. vegeta quickly moves head to the side doging the attack. Vegeta swipes his feet at yamchas tripping him. Ymacha falls to his back. Vegeta jumps up and swings his fist once punching yamcha in the left cheek. Yamcha is out cold*

Vegeta: that's what you get for...

Bulma: ahhh look out!

*vegetas eyes widen as he sees a giant energy ball heading right for him. He jumps and rolls to the side it missing. The ball engulfed yamchas body and the ground destroyed as his body vaperises.*

Bulma: he killed yamcha! He destroyed him his body is gone! *bulma begeins shaking violently in fear*

Vegeta: hmph he needed to go anyway. And'll have to do much much better then that if you want to kill me.

Cui: I'm glad that attack didn't kill you. If it had where would the fun be in that? It would of been way too easy.

vegeta: *charges at cui raising his leg kicking him in the face* take that you worm!

Cui: *flies back holding his face and stops before hitting the ground* not bad you've gotten much faster then before. But don't think I'm gonna give up that easily.

*cui charges and starts throwing punches as vegeta counters with throwing punches and kicks back both dodging and blocking each others blows.*

Vegeta: hmph if this is all you got...

Cui: don't underestimate your opponent!

*cui punches vegeta in the left cheek. Vegetas head pops back. Cui raises his leg kneeing vegeta in the gut. Vegetas eyes widen and he gasps. Cui lifts his arms up cupping his hands together and strickes down hitting vegeta in the back of the head him plowing into the ground*

Cui: heh I thought you where a much better fighter then that.

*vegeta quickly launches up driving his head into cuis chin. He follows with a roundhouse kick as cui flies off he charges and grabs his foot throwing him down into the ground. He drops his knee extended heading straight for cuis neck. Cui quickly rolls out of the way vegeta kneeing the ground*

Vegeta: ahhh damn it!

*cui laughs and kicks vegeta in the face as he flies off. Cui flies over top of him. He swings his fist. Vegeta pushes himself up off the ground with his hand doging it. He launches his foot forward and kicks him in the chin him flying off*

Vegeta: that's it I'm getting sick of this!

Cui: its time to end this little battle!

*both vegeta and cui shoot a giant ball of energy both of them moving out of the way*

Vegeta/cui: ha I wasn't aiming for....wait what...

Vegeta: *turns looking over seeing the ball heading straight for bulma her face showing purr fright.* NO! *he flies with his full speed pushing her out of the way. The ball hitting him. He let's out a scream and skied across the ground out cold and wounded*

Bulma: VEGETA!!!

Cui: *laughs as he hears an explosion behind him. He turns around to find s giant rock flying at him. His eyes widen as it lands on top of him*

*goku and krillen come running*

Goku: what happened?!


Cui: *slowly crawls out from under the rock heavily wounded. He crawls over to his space pod and sets in it* this isn't over....there will be more even more powerful ones to arrive after me.


*the space pod takes off into space*

Krillen: he's hurt what do we do?

Bulma: give him a senzu bean!!

Krillen: no way he's a bad guy!


Krillen: no!

Goku: oh come on krillen. We can let him die like this. He didn't actually do anything to us.

*goku takes out the senzu bean and puts it in his mouth as vegeta starts chewing and swallows*

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