Chapter 7: wait for me!

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Peters POV

As (y/n) dragged me off the ship, I couldn't help but ask the question of "where are we?", I looked around, aliens in the same red jacket stated at me, some sneered, some hissed and some laughed. I felt scared. "(Y/n) what if they eat me!?" I asked. (Y/n) turned to me and smiled sweetly "they won't, trust me" she said. Even with those words said I still felt afraid, staring at all of the aliens around me in amazement and fear. (Y/n) set me down and hugged me as yondu whistled, grabbed everyone's attention. "We have a new member, try not to eat this tarren!" He announced.

"Another smelly tarren?"

"I've never tasted tarren before"

"We better listen to the old dude"

"Shut up! I'm gonna eat that twerp!"

I sunk behind (y/n) as she stood tall, shielding me. "IF YOU SO HAPPEN AS TOUCH HIM, I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!" she hissed at the ailens. My eyes were wide, never before had I seen (y/n) snap like that. Ever. That's when I saw her raise the middle finger and narrow her (e/c) eyes. Gasps and laughing were heard in the crowd. I sighed and stood beside (y/n) raising my hand and hesitantly raised the forbidden middle finger, wrinkling my nose in disgust and narrowing my eyes. (Y/n) turned to me with a smile before turning back to the aliens "this is Peter Jason Quill, my old friend from back on terran, treat him with respect or I will harm you inba way that you won't live" and with that, she lowered her middle finger and turned around, following yondu to somewhere. I huffed and turned around with a smile on my face as i chased my best friend

"(Y/N) wait for me!!" I called, causingbher to turn around and smile sweetly

~I'm nothing without you~ Star Lord X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now