chapter 7: Home

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(Short A/N: hey sorry I've been cramming new chapters in. I have to get to the good stuff before my school starts on September tenth. So in this chapter we're to the actual events of the movie. Enjoy! ~ Caty)

(Y/n)'s POV

I waited with yondu for Peter's return. He was out on a quick job to steal an orb like thing. I don't know why though or what was so special about this dumb orb, from the job description it sounded like it had magical ability but then again it didn't look like it. I groaned and sat back, looking at the locket Peter had given me for my eighteenth birthday. Lately when I've been around Peter I've been feeling strange, as if butterflies are in my stomach or as if my heart beat was increasing in speed. What is this feeling? I've never experienced this feeling. But I liked this feeling, it felt good. I groaned again, catching the attention of Yondu

"(y/n) chill out. He's on his way now" he grumbled.

Hearing this, I rushed to the dashboard of the ship, my eyes widened as I saw a man with messy/ tidy hair, a long red jacket/cape and a mask flying towards us, no ship at all. I sighed and grabbed the ships microphone


I looked behind him to see it was being towed towards the raveger ship behind him, I facepalmed and rolled my eyes, giggling a bit. He shook his head, telling me he didn't get the orb. I was happy yet upset for him. This was one of his big jobs to get it and take it to "the collector" so that dweeb could confine it and its unknown power. I went back to my chair and grabbed my hair tie, tying up my long (h/c( hair while waiting for Peter to get on the ship. But, it seemed like forever.

"I'm back!" Said Peter as he enters the ship, clicking a button behind his ear which retracted his mask.

"FINALLY! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG YOU DUMMY?!" I shouted, running towards the dork and hugging him tight.

He chuckled "sorry, I was running from the police and-" he was cut off by me giggling.

"Again?" I asked, earning a nod from Peter.

Peter walked off and sat down clicking a button on his chair that made it zip towards mine. I giggled and started to feel the butterflies in my stomach again as he smiled at me

"I'm glad you're home" I said quietly

~I'm nothing without you~ Star Lord X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now