Chapter 9: What the heck!?

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(10.3K.. 10.3K readers, why do you guys like this fanfic? But anyways. Thank you all so much ^~^ thank you all for liking and reading this poorly written X Reader. Love you all! ~Caty)

"Peter Jason Quill." I said sternly as I placed my hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes in confusion. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to my height, growling a bit as we had both been captured by the Nova Core.. Along with a giant talking plant, a snobby raccoon and that green lady. We had been placed within the same beam "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT!?!" I yelled at him, I was beyond angry. The raccoon looked at me "oh quiet down, would you?" He growled. I only shot a glare at him, if looks could kill, he would be road kill.

Peter sighed and face palmed as they were all transported to a jail, including me. All of our things were taken away, even Peters special Walkman music player he had gotten from his mother before she... Died. He was furious and we were put into cells to get washed with a strange orange liquid. I glanced to the side of me and spotted Peter... Shirtless. I blushed a bit at it but then shook my head, waving the thought out of my head as we were shoved into the cafeteria. I moved a bit closer to him as I looked around, "woah... This is crazy!!" I exclaimed, staring at all the prisoners around us.

I bit my lip "w-well... This is.. Interesting," I said and Peter nodded. We all sat down at a table. The huge tree looked at me, "I Am Groot." He said in a low grumbly voice. I rolled my (E/C) eyes in annoyance "so you've said so many times!" I mumbled. He said it again and I only groaned "can you just PLEASE be quiet!" I snapped. Peter looked at me "what the heck? You okay?"

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