Chapie 2; free from a cage

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“Lyn Ray, that’s your name isn’t it?” I heard a strong, deep, male voice ask. My eyes snapped open at the feeling of my shackles being taken off.

“Hey, Mutt, I asked you a question.” The voice said, did he just call me a Mutt?

“Yes-!” I said, but stopped, my throat burned like hell, and the ability to feel pain jolted through me like lightning, but my throat hurt the worst.

“You sound terrible.” The voice said, concern lacing it, this voice belonged to a tall sixteen year old boy with dyed blonde hair. Xavier Trinity…

“…” I said nothing and rubbed my throat, not wanting it to burn like that again.

Xavier sighed and stepped closer to me, I back up into a corner of the cell, thinking that he would strike me and not having the strength to fight him off, but he never hit me. He sat down next to me, pulled out a pint of blood and held it out to me.

I gave him a ‘the fuck are you doing?’ look, but he nodded and I took hold of the bag and bit deeply into it.

 “Xavier! You shouldn’t let that thing have any blood, it’ll get too strong, and it could kill you!” A hunter said, I really didn’t like the way these hunters called me ‘Mutt’ and ‘it’, but since I’m drinking blood for the first time in ten years I’ll let it slide this time.

“Are you dense? He hasn’t moved in a little under ten years and I’m as strong, if not stronger than any vampire.” Xavier said and with that he picked me up in his arms bridal style and carried me out of there.

When we got to his house he pushed down on a spot on the back of my neck where a vampire pressure point is, it opened my mouth instantly.

I must have looked really upset about not having blood because Xavier chuckled at me.

“Hold on dog, I’ll be back with more in a minute.” Xavier said walking into a different room and coming back out with a cooler.

I followed him to his kitchen like a lost puppy and scratched at the cooler, knowing exactly what was in it.

“You’re a really impatient Mutt aren’t you?” Xavier asked irritably.

‘Not always! I’m just so thirsty!’ I thought, but my throat still ached with pain so I just continued to claw at the cooler.

Xavier clasped both my wrists together in his hand, whoa he is really strong!

“Why won’t you talk dog?” Xavier asked, he must think my throat healed after just one drink. I pointed to my throat and made a little desperate noise, which made my throat hurt more.

“Oh, I thought vampires healed really fast…?” It came out sounding like a question.

I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote: ‘Well if you don’t give a vampire any blood for ten years then they don’t heal fast, they heal as slowly as humans do until they get enough blood to heal’ I handed Xavier the paper and looked at him, then the cooler, then back at him.

“Okay, I’ll have to tell Trenton…” Xavier Muttered to himself, before turning to the cooler and setting it in front of me. I clawed at it but it just wouldn’t open!

“What are you doing?” Xavier asked, handing me the pen and paper again.

‘Vampires open humans with their claws; I don’t understand your weird mortal ways, how do I open this?!’ I wrote.

“You open it with your hands, like this,” Xavier said taking the lid off of the cooler as if it were nothing! “Stupid Mutt.”

I gazed at him like he were a magician pulling off some grand trick, but then I realized that I now had access to the blood. I grabbed pint after pint and sucked the sweet blood out of them until there wasn’t any left.

“Didn’t they give you any blood at all, Mutt?” Xavier asked.

I shook my head no.

“Good, you deserve it. Anyways, you’re still hungry I imagine?”

I nodded.

“Mkay, follow me.” Xavier said walking down to his basement and I followed.

At the bottom of the stairs I could see that Xavier had a ton of blood down here. But I didn’t move and waited for Xavier’s permission. He nodded and went back upstairs, leaving me down here to feed.

I drank some but wasn’t satisfied much, I wanted fresh blood, but I dealt with it, I wonder how concerned he’ll be about be. I walked up the stairs to see Xavier sitting on the couch. Did he wait for me? I wonder if I can talk again, only one way to find out.

“M-master, I-I’m healing like I s-should.” I lied, but I can talk again! Yay!

“It’s good to hear your voice, come here Mutt; I’ve got something for you”

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