Chapie 10; I wish I were dead

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The next day

“Terrence said that I should bring you by the hospital so his twin brother can figure out why you’re acting strange.” Master said as we drove to the hospital. Terrence has a twin? I’m acting strange? I just feel dead inside.

I nodded.

“Dog, you will speak when someone asks you something, got it?”

“Yes Master”


We rode in silence until we arrived at the hospital; Master attached a chain to my collar like a leash and dragged me into the hospital.

“Walk Mutt.” Master ordered.

I stood and walked next to Master.

“Hey Xavier!” Terrance called to Master from down a hall.

“Hey Trenton.” Master replied. Wait, wasn’t that Terrence?

“Mutt this is Trenton, Terrence’s twin brother.” Oh okay.

Trenton looked much kinder in a doctor’s coat and a pair of glasses then Terrence did the other day in torn jeans and a hoodie with some shades on.

“So what seems to be the matter with the slave today?” Trenton asked, I gave him the same look I give everything; a look of death.

“I have no idea.” Master said.

“Whoa, if looks could kill.” Trenton said, looking back into my deep-set gaze. Master shoved my head so I was looking at the floor.

“Do you think you can figure out what’s wrong with him?”

“Yes, but what do you think he’s got?” Trenton asked.

“Depression I guess, he said he felt like dying.” Master informed.

“Suicidal? That’s not a good sign…” Trenton said, lifting my head to face him, and I gave him the same death stare I did earlier.

“What do you mean by ‘not a good sign’?” Master asked.

“Vampires are immortal, so if they don’t want to live it’s not a good sign, not at all, especially one as young as this, why don’t you bring him to my office.”

We followed Trenton into his office and he looked at me curiously.

“So kid why do you want to die?” Trenton asked.


“Mutt,” Master growled at me “what did I tell you?”

“Xavier, just let him talk.” Trenton said, before turning back to me with questioning eyes.

“…” I grabbed a paper and pen from his desk and started writing.

‘Too much’

“Too much what?”

‘Too much pain, physically, mentally, emotionally’

“Okay, let’s start with the physical pain, where are you hurt?”

I pulled off my shirt and turned around, to show him my back that was burning for some reason.

“Dear God…” Master gasped; it worried me, what was wrong?

“It burns,” I said, “why does it burn?”

“The wounds are getting badly infected, Xavier didn’t you help him clean it at all?”

Master shook his head no.

“I took a shower and tried cleaning it, but I guess I just thought my body would heal itself…sorry…” I said.

“It’s not your fault, I see this all the time; Masters who are too tough on their slaves, they come to me saying that they’re slaves have been acting depressed so I look and they usually have this kind of an infection from stress, pain, and malnutrition.”

“How do I fix it and keep it from happening again?” Master asked.

“You could start by not beating him, the closing and reopening of the wounds isn’t good for his health, don’t stress him, and feed him for Christ’s sake!”

“How do I not stress him?” Master asked. Trenton turned towards me.

“Here,” He said handing me the pen and paper again, “List me some things he does to you.”

‘He hits me whenever he sees me, yells at me, drags me around by my hair, beats me, when he’s not dragging me by my hair I have to wear a leash, he won’t let me talk, makes me sit on the floor, etc.’

Trenton took the page and handed it to Master.

“Here, A good long list, strait from the source, of things not to do.” Trenton said.

Master looked over it, and then at me.

“I mean, just look at him Xavier, look at how tense he is!” Trenton said.

“Is there anything I can give him to make him relax a bit more?” Master asked.

“Yes,” Trenton said opening a cabinet and pulling out a pack of syringes, “Give him one of these every day and he’ll be much more relaxed, it untightens muscles and relieves the mind, but only give him one a day or it could result in making his muscles too weak until the drugs wear off.”

“Okay” Master took the pack of syringes and thanked Trenton for his help.

“Anytime, when you need more just come back, I’d love to see how well he’s doing later on.” Trenton said.

Master nodded and we went home.

When we got home Master took my leash off but left the collar and stuck the syringe into my arm and released the drug into me, I could hardly feel the needle in me, I mean I felt it, it just didn’t hurt much.

But when the drugs kicked in I definitely felt it, I could feel my muscles unwinding against my will, I didn’t like it but at the same time it kinda felt good, really good, I felt my mind at ease and if I had to describe what I felt in one word it would be relaxed.

I dropped down on the couch and flexed my shoulders, I feel tired.

Master walked into the living room and gave me a confused look.

“Hey, get off the furniture Mutt.” Master said.


“I said get off the furniture, you thought that one little trip to the doctors was going to change everything? It’s not.”

“Yes Master” I said standing up and walking outside.

Master tied me to the beating posts and beat me with a rubber hose, so I had no marks, but I coughed up a lot of my own blood. Master untied me but kicked me in the stomach which made me cough up more blood.

Oh God, it hurt so bad, it felt like my inside were twisting up inside of me.

“And don’t think Trenton will find out either, vampires heal by consuming blood, so I’ll only feed you before we go to the hospital, and you’ll heal and he’ll never know, and you’re not going to tell him anything either because if you do I’ll kill you.” I shivered at the thought.

We walked inside and Master sat on the couch in the living room, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, but when I looked into the living room he wasn’t there, oh shit.

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