Chapie 13; healing and birthday presents

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A few weeks later…

Xavier was thrown in jail and my new master Trenton Fay absolutely loved me. He spoiled me rotten and I’d try to protest, but he’d always say that ‘I’d earned it’ or ‘I deserved it’ or something that would make me cave into temptation, sort of like right now…

“Master…stop, you can’t…I shouldn’t be…eating this, it’s not…good for vampires…to eat a lot of sugary…human foods…” I said in between bites of cake that Master was practically force feeding me.

“Oh I know it’s bad for you, but it tastes so good, you know you like it. And besides, it’s your birthday, have a little fun.”

“My birthday or not, I shouldn’t be eating so much human food.”

“Oh please, it’s not even that much; this is only like your second piece.”

“Mhm, just wait, before the end of the week I’ll probably have diabetes.”

“Vampires can’t even get diabetes.”

“Yeah because they only drink blood, not eat cake.”

“Oh lighten up, would you, it’s not like-” Trenton was cut off by a knock on the door.

He opened the door to reveal Xavier.

“What do you want?” Trenton asked disgust obvious in his tone.

Xavier said nothing and looked over at me with an evil grin.

“Lyn, go to your room, I’ll handle this.” Trenton said.

“Y-yes Master” I said, running to my room and locking it.

I put my ear to the door and listened to what they were saying.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in jail?” Trenton asked irritably.

“I went to court and demanded my slave back; I have a warrant to take him from you.” Xavier said.

“Really? Let’s see it then.”


“This only has your name and the judge’s name; it needs my name to be valid.”

“That’s right~ you’re bringing the mutt to court with us where you’ll sign the paper and give him to me.”

“You know what? Fine, I’ll go to court with you, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you have him!” Trenton said, he sounded mad.

“Mutt! Come down here!” Xavier yelled.

“Lyn it’s alright, come here.”

“Yes Master.” I called, unlocking the door and walking back into the living room. I hid behind Trenton, not wanting Xavier to see me.

“Lyn were going to have to-”

“I know, were going to court.” I said, cutting Trenton off.

“Lyn, what did I say about eavesdropping?” Trenton asked.

“Sorry Master, it’s a bad habit.”

“It’s alright, just try not to do it again next time.”

“Yes Master”

Xavier walked a little circle around me, looking me up and down. So I walked away and sat on the couch, Xavier still continued to eye me.

“What?” I asked after a really annoying awkward silence.

“He’s making you fat.”

“Just because I can’t feel my ribs it doesn’t make me fat.” I grumbled.

“Whatever, he’s spoiling you rotten, it’s like you’re not even a slave.”

“He is; he’s my slave.” Trenton said.

“He doesn’t look like a slave, sitting on the couch eating cake.”

“It’s my birthday you jackass!” I yelled, fed up with his criticism of me and Trenton. “I know you never had any family to celebrate your birthday with, but that doesn’t mean that you can come into another person’s home and criticize them or the people they live with, so fuck off!”

“…Mutt, when I gain custody of you, I’m going to let you live, but your life will be pure hell…” Xavier said in a low scary voice.

I stood up and stepped behind Trenton like a human shield.

“Master, please make him leave.” I mumbled, grabbing his arm and holding it tightly, going for an innocent look.

“Get out of my house before I call the cops, I’ll be in court next week.” Trenton said.

“See you then, be prepared to give me that Mutt, and surrender him over to a life of hell~.” And with that Xavier left.

I shivered at the thought, what if Xavier gained custody of me?

“Don’t worry, I’ll never let him have you, it works somewhat like a divorce would, the court will have to decide on who would take better care of you, and it mostly depends on who you want to be with.” Trenton said, hugging me.

“That makes me have hope,” I said, snuggling deeper into the hug, wanting protection. “He totally ruined today.” I said pouting.

“Not quite, go look outside.” Trenton said; I gave him a quizzical look before turning towards a window and looking into the back yard.

“You got me a trampoline?!” I said excitedly.

“Yeah, do you like it?”

“No,” I said with a dramatic pause, “I love it!”

“Well thanks for the heart attack; I thought you didn’t like it for a second! I also got you a cell phone and an mp3 player.”

“Yay! Thank you, you’re the best! Can I go jump on the trampoline now?”

“No, it’s a bit late for trampolines, go to bed.”

“Master! It’s my birthday present!” I whined like a small child.

“Yeah it’s your birthday present that I paid for, see how that works? Now go to bed.”

“Yes Master” I grumbled, walking towards my bedroom.

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