Chapie 4; home alone

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The next day…

“Mutt, Mutt wake up.” I heard Master’s voice and opened my eyes.

“Yes Master?” I yawned, sitting up.

“I’m leaving town for a week to hunt down a vampire who’s been holding human’s captive in his house.”

“…This vampire, he’s not killing them, he’s just holding them there?” I asked.

“Yes, he’s been tormenting them. Why?”

“Normally I would disagree with vampire hunting, but it’s wrong to torture the humans, it’s not what they’re for, they’re for blood and flesh, not torturing games,” I said, “So when do we leave?”

“You’re staying here Mutt.”


“You’re staying here,” Master Xavier said again, “Another vampire hunter will be watching you in my place until I get back, his name’s Davon.” These words scared me.

“Master, what if he hurts me? What if he starves me?” I asked, fear clear in my voice.

“I’ll text you whenever I can, but I have to leave.”

“Okay Master…” I said obediently, heading towards the basement.

“Be good Mutt.” I nodded and watch him exit and another hunter enter, he was taller than Xavier, probably because he’s a grown man, he has long, dark hair and piercing pale blue eyes, he glared at me and I glared back.

I continued walking towards the basement door but stopped when I heard Davon speak.

“Let’s get something strait; you’re nothing but a spoiled rotten little bitch and I’m in charge, got it?” Davon barked.

“…don’t interrupt me while I’m feeding…” I growled, before walking into the basement and closing the door behind me.

I fed for a few hours, until I got a text from Xavier.

‘I can’t wait for this to be over so I can come back home.’ It said.

‘I want you to come home Master.’

‘That’s funny, I didn’t think you’d get this until tomorrow, shouldn’t you be in bed?’

‘I’m not tired’

‘Mutt you need rest, go to bed.’

‘But Master!’

‘No but’s, go to sleep, I’ll text you tomorrow, just rest.’

‘Yes Master’

‘Good, I’ll be back soon.’



I turned my phone off and lay on the floor, trying to go sleep, I was sleeping peacefully, when I felt someone grab my hair and pull me up by it, it was that damn hunter!


“Wake up bitch; I’ve got an idea…”

He dragged me upstairs and tied me up then left me in a storage room, I wouldn’t have cared but it was freezing in there! He walked towards the door but then turned around. He approached me and stabbed a silver knife into my shoulder. I screamed at the top of my lungs as tears stung my eyes, he then left me in there to bleed to death.

‘Finally,’ I thought, ‘Now I can die, and be at peace…’

I don’t know how long I sat there, gushing blood, I felt numb, welcoming death with open arms, but I heard an angel calling my name.

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