Denmark x Germany Special LEMON!

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Germany always sat down at one end of the meeting table, while Denmark sat ten seats away from Germany. There were moments when they glanced at each other and smile, Italy noticed and asked.

"Hey Doitsu, why are you staring at Denmark?" Italy asked.

Germany looked at Italy and blushed dark red.

"What! I w-wasn't, I was just seeing which other countries were making noise, that's all!" Germany yelled/ whispered.

Italy whimpered then thought and smiled.

"Hmm alright Doitsu, oh I should ask Denmark why he was staring at you then" Italy said while smirking.

"What?! No!" Germany yelled at Italy.

Italy went to Denmark and smiled.

"Ve~ excuse me Mr. Denmark" Italy said.

"Hmm" Denmark said.

"I was wondering, why were you staring at Germany?" Italy asked the now blushing danish.

"Well... Um..." Denmark tried to say something but Germany came over.

"Italy! Come over here!" Germany yelled at Italy as he grabbed his arm and took him back to their chairs.

"Ahh I'm sorry Doitsu, please don't hurt me!" Italy yelled for mercy.

While Denmark smiled as he saw Germany's angered face. He wanted to leave with the German and be happy, just them alone together.

Denmark sighed happily at the thought, then his 'brothers' started teasing and asking him questions, they already knew about Denmark and Germany's relationship.

After the meeting was over, Denmark left and walked down the hallway, then a hand was on his shoulder. When he looked at the owner of the hand he smiled and hugged the guy.

Germany smiled happily and hugged Denmark back, they kissed luckily no one was around.

"Hey Denmark, do you wanna come over at my house?" Germany asked

"I would love that, oh is Prussia going to be there? Or are we going to be alone?" Denmark asked.

"We will be alone" Germany whispered in the danish's ear.

When Germany did that it cause a chill go down his spine, also causing him to smile.

"Lets go then" Denmark said.

Germany grabbed Denmark's hand and took him to his house, they talked the entire time.

~~Time Skip~~

They arrived then opened the door and Germany let Denmark in first, once he went in Germany followed behind him and closed the door. They smiled at each other and hugged tightly, as if this was their last hug.

"You should wait in the living room, I will make dinner" Germany said.

"I see, but I feel like I should make dinner this time" Denmark said.

"Hmm well I would love to make dinner together but we might argue about it, so I don't want that to happen so go and wait in the living room ok, liebe" Germany said.

Denmark nodded and smiled, then he went to the living room to wait while Germany prepared dinner.

Soon Germany called Denmark to eat, the Dane got up and went to the dining room. Once there he saw two plates with German and danish food, some beverages (beer) and a rose in a vase as a centerpiece.

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