Alistair....Why?.....Fine I Forgive You.

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I was visiting my Scottish boyfriend, I knocked on his door and waited for him. Then the door opened and I saw Arthur, I smiled at him.

"Hey Arthur, is Alistair home?" I asked.

His eyes widened when he saw me, I looked at him and wondered why.

"Um Arthur are you ok?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, um didn't you and Alistair break up?" Arthur asked.

"No, Why are you asking?" I said.
I can feel a bit of my heart crack but I shook it off and looked at Arthur.

"Well Alistair said that you two broke up and now he has been dating a girl for two weeks" Arthur said.

Now my heart shattered, what does he mean two weeks!? But yesterday Alistair told me to come over! Arthur noticed my hurt expression, then he realized that Alistair is cheating on me.

"(Y/n), are you ok? If you want I can serve you some tea" Arthur said.

Soon he saw tears going down my cheeks, he placed his hand on my shoulder but at the second he did that I ran off. Arthur sighed sadly then he went upstairs towards Alistair's room, where he was having a make out session with the other girl.

Arthur instantly opened the door interrupting the two.

"What the hell?! Why didn't ye knock on the bloody door!" Alistair said.

"Did you really break up with (Y/n)?! Tell me the truth!" Arthur shouted.

Alistair frowned then sighed, he got up and shoved Arthur out of the door as he went out himself.

"Look, aye didn't break up with him it's just been difficult lately and...." Before Alistair could finish Arthur slapped him.

"You bloody idiot, (Y/n) is now heart broken, he knows that you have been cheating on him!!" Arthur shouted.

Alistair's eyes widened, then he touched his cheek. '(Y/n)....knows..', then he looked at Arthur and growled.

"Ye told him didn't you?!" Alistair shouted as he pushed Arthur against the wall.

"I didn't knew that you were cheating on him until now! Do you think he will forgive you! He must be angry at you!" Arthur shouted.

What Arthur told him made him worry now.

"Aye have to go find him" Alistair said.


I ran out of my home leaving Jess and Arthur there, I kept running searching for (Y/n). I can't believe he found out, will he forgive me. After a while of running, I saw (Y/n) he was under a tree hugging his knees, he might still be crying.

I walked over to him, then I got on my knees and hugged him, as I held him in my arms I could hear him cry. I feel horrible for hurting him, I started rubbing circles on his back then he pushed me away, I looked at his face and saw that he was angry but sad.

"Why Alistair? Why?!" (Y/n) yelled at me.

I looked down, as I found it hard to talk to him, the lad hates me.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n) for hurting you, b-but lad things have been getting difficult and-" Before I could finish he slapped me, hard.
I touched my cheek then looked at him, he got up then turned away from me.

"I won't ever forgive you Alistair, I hate you" (Y/n) said.

Those dreaded three words 'I hate you're I never wanted him to say those words but now he has, I could feel tears streaming down my face. Before I could say anything the lad ran off, I got up then looked down sadly, he hates me.

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