Forge Kiss

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Astrid smiled. She was on the way towards the forge where her fiancé, the chief and he love where. As she headed towards the forge, she remembered what the man had done for her and the village in the past.

(A/N: I haven't seen all of the episodes...)

He defeated he Red Death when he was fifteen. He saved Toothless when the villagers wanted to send him of the island. He saved the people and the village from destruction so many times and almost every time, he had to pay the price. Like when he flew after the Book of Dragons as it fell towards Outcast Island. He got a burn mark which is still there today.

Suddenly, before Astrid knew it, she was inside the forge. She looked around but couldn't see her future husband. Se walked inside his small study and saw him there.

He was slumped over the table, sleeping. Astrid smiled and went over to him. Se sat down on the bench next to him and placed her hand on his neck. The blonde then leaned down and buried her mouth into his auburn locks.

The man groined and store but he settled down when he heard a 'sshh,' coming from above him. However, he moved and hugged Astrid instead, pulling her into his lap. The girl laughed and smile T him. She leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I love you, babe..."

The man smiled. "I love you to, M'lady..."

The two sat there for Thor's know how long, just snuggling into each other.

(A/N: I know, worlds shortest chapter but please, I've got like, no ideas left. Please, give me prompts. However, I take anything except death and smut right now. I don't feel like it.

Anyway, this is my 50th chapter!! Yay! 😅😆)

- Toothless_NightFury1.

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