Proving The Right

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(A/N: Just so you guys know, this is played out a month after Thawfest when Astrid kissed Hiccup. I noticed something and- ugh, just read instead of me writing an Nobel long Authors Note.)

The last month have been...weird. When the time would come that she found him walking around in the village, she would grab him by the collar, push him onto the side of a building and kiss him.

But, every time she did that, he would just stand there. He won't kiss back, nor does he do anything to prevent her from hitting she did about an hour ago.


Hiccup was walking around town in the middle of the night. He couldn't sleep because of the thoughts that where running around his head.

The last month, Astrid had just kissed him every time she saw him. Not that he ever complained. He just...well, he just froze the second her lips had touched his.

He didn't know why though. Was it because he just couldn't get over that she actually kissed him? Or was it because he just was afraid of her going something to him that might be related to violence?

He didn't know. But he knew it was going to happen again when he spotted her walking only a few years away from him.

Hiccup stopped to look at her with almost fearful eyes. Astrid smiled.

Suddenly, he was pulled aside and pushed up against one of the buildings.

Astrid pressed her lips against his, expecting him to kiss back but he didn't.

The blonde pulled away with a frown, held him pressed to the house and slapped him across the face, hard.

Hiccup, surprisingly didn't even yelp. However, he did say, "what is wrong with you?!"

Astrid looked at him with wide eyes because of his sudden outburst.

She let go of Hiccup's shirt, turned around and took a step before wanting to run. Hiccup, however, grabbed her wrist just in time.

He wanted explanation to why she was doing this.

"Astrid...please, tell me. Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

Hiccup looked at her. "Ever night, for almost a month, you have pushed me up against a building and kissed me. Not that I complain, I'm just...I'm just wondering why your doing this."

Astrid looked down to the ground. The blonde then looked up into Hiccup's eyes and stayed there.

"Because...I just..." She didn't even know how to get it out right without sounding weird. "Alright, whenever I push you up against a building and kiss you, you never kiss back. That's what I've been trying to make you do for the last month!"


Oh dammit.

Hiccup was left there, open mouthed. "But that still isn't the question I was looking for. Why do you hit me?"

"Because I want you to kiss back. But, whenever your not, well, you can figure out what happens," Astrid said and looked down.

After a few moments, she looked up and suddenly, she was the one pushed up against the building.

One of Hiccup's hands where placed on her cheek while the other was woven into her braid. Astrid's arms wrapped around his neck and kissed him back.

The boy at age sixteen smiled, deepened the kiss and opened his mouth. Astrid's eyes almost flew open but she held them closed.

Hiccup's tongue slowly snaked into Astrid's mouth, meeting her own. Astrid made a small 'mmm' sound when he pushed her further up against the building.

However, their moment was interrupted when they heard footsteps coming closer and closer. "Hiccup?" The chief's whispering voice was heard.

Said boy, - no, young man - pulled away from Astrid. He smiled when he saw his old
symptoms on her. Droopy eyelids, lose figure and swollen lips.


The young man looked at his crush that he just had kissed. "I have to go, I love you," Then, e disappeared.

The blonde stood leaned against the building behind her. She heard how Hiccup's father asked where he'd been and why he was out. The response was that he couldn't sleep and wanted to walk it off.

Astrid drifted of into her own small world where only she and Hiccup lived. She came back to sense and slowly started to slide down the houses side.

"Oh...sweet...Freya," Astrid whispered, her head feeling light. 'Did he really just kiss me? Like, seriously? Oh, Thor. He loves me!"

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