His Shirt

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Astrid was home, waiting for her husband, Hiccup to come home from his duties as chief.

After the battle with Drago, Hiccup had been made chief since his father, Stoick the Vast had died, saving his son.

Now, Astrid was sad that their late chief had passed away but she wouldn't have handled it if Hiccup was the one who got shoot and died.

While the wife was waiting, she sat on the bed, re-reading the Book of Dragons, in Hiccup's shirt. Astrid had started wearing Hiccup's shirts more often when he would come home later than other days. The shirt reminded her of her husband since it smelled like him.

When Hiccup got to see Astrid in one of his shirts for the first time, it surprised him but he got used to it since she wore them more and more often.

Suddenly, the front door was opened and closed. "Quiet bud, I think she's asleep..." Astrid heard Hiccup's voice come from downstairs.

However, she didn't do anything about it. She just sat there, reading the page about Stormcutters. (A/N: a.k.a. Valka's dragon, Cloudjumper.)

When Hiccup entered the room, he was surprised to see Astrid awake. "Hey, M'lady. Why are you up?"

Everyday, it was the same question. And everyday he got the same answer.

"I waited for you, babe..."

The young chief smiled and slowly walked over to the bed, leaning over it to reach Astrid and placed a quick kiss on her lips. However, Astrid kissed back and they lingered a bit longer.

When Hiccup pulled away, he stood up straight and walked over to the wardrobe. He stripped off his armor and took on some light comfy pants to sleep in.

Since it was summer, it was almost unbearable to sleep fully clothed. That is why Astrid wore Hiccup's shirts (mostly) and that is why Hiccup slept topless.

When The man turned back towards his wife, he noticed what she was wearing. "Your wearing one of my shirts again?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's comfy and it reminds me of you when I know that you'll be late home..."

At that sentence, his face dropped and he slowly walked over to her. After sitting down on the bed, he placed his calloused hands on her cheeks.


"Astrid...I'm sorry that I'm such a bad husband. Maybe...maybe you shouldn't have married me..."

Astrid's eyes snapped up and she grabbed his wrist.

"Hiccup...please, don't say such things. I want to be married to you. I can't un-marry you anymore...it's against the law..."


Astrid's breath hitched. She almost told him. And now, she had to. Damn it!

"Because...your gonna have a heir..." She said and looked down. Hiccup just looked at the blonde with a blank expression. "Y-you mean, mean...that your...p-pregnant?"

Astrid smiled and nodded. Hiccup almost freaked out of joy and grabbed his wife's waist, pulling her into his arms before he stood up.

The man spun her around a few times before placing her down. Astrid laughed in joy and wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck.

"This is...this is unbelievable. I've always wanted a child. Speaking of which, how far are you?"

Astrid smiled and they pulled away, looking each other I to the eyes. "About two months...I wanted to wait 'till the right time would come but if wouldn't happen so...two months..."

Hiccup made a happy face, hugging his wife before pulling away and looking at her stomach.

"Can I see you baby bump?" He asked. Astrid smiled and looked down, leaning her head against Hiccup's collarbone. "I'm still kinda flat but sure..."

However, when he lifted up the shirt, there was a small bulge on her lower abdomen. "Huh, not so flat after all..." Hiccup joked with her before looking at the blonde.

She had her hand on her stomach, stroking it a little before she felt Hiccup's warm and on hers. "Astrid...were gonna be parents..." He reminded with a smile. But, when he saw that Astrid bit her lip after hearing that, he got concerned.

"Astrid? Is everything alright?"

The blonde, pregnant wife signed. "What if I be a terrible mom? What if I'll ruin something during pregnancy and the baby dies?"

Hiccup grabbed her hand and held it tightly. "You won't. Your Astrid. Your amazing at everything. And I'm sure that kid-raising will be an easy task..."

Astrid looked up at her husband before hugging him. "Thank you, babe...I'm glad that your my husband..."

Hiccup smiled. "And I'm glad to have you as my wife..."

(A/N: Alright...so, I wrote wrong person. My real classmate's name is; Summer_dreamer01 She's just awesome. Just like all my friends.

But, you guys know how it is with friends. Guy friends are more trust worthy than girls because we fight and then stay mad at each other for months.

Trust me, I know.

Anyway, so, I will update more. However, I won't update tomorrow because I'm on a school trip with my mentor to another city about 300 kilometers away.

So, no stories tomorrow. 😢😢 I'm sorry. I will update after that.

I'm off for bed. I need to wake up at least 05:00 because I'm meeting my mentor at the train station at 06:55 and I'll be back at like, 17:45. Great, just great!❤️❤️❤️)

- Toothless_NightFury1.

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