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Astrid was blown away. As she was sitting beside her love and boyfriend, she suddenly noticed how mature he'd gotten.

Sure, she had seen him like the way he was for a few years but she hadn't really gotten a good look on him.

But now that she was sitting beside him, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her head laying on his shoulder, she really could have a good look on him.

There was a light but very manly stubble growing on his chin. His yaw was very sharply defined. His eyebrows where incredibly thick as his eyes...

Oh, his eyes. They where gorgeous. His hair was silky and Astrid just loved the color.

Whenever the sun would shine on it, it would sometimes have this red-brownish color. But, he always had that auburn look.

Hiccup suddenly looked at his girlfriend. "What are you thinking about?" He asked with a sniffle and a smile afterwards.

"You" She said simply. Hiccup smiled and looked at his lover. Astrid smiled up at him before wiping away his tears. The young chief blinked before wrapping his arms around his girlfriends body.

The blonde beauty snuggle into his chest, laying back her head on his shoulder before kissing his chin.

Even though his stubble was there, she kissed him. It felt weird. And that was the reason she hummed, "Mmm..."

Hiccup pulled back his head and looked at Astrid. He saw her touching her lower lip with her fingers, trying to get away with the weird feeling.

"I'm sorry..." He begin, making Astrid stop and look up. But before she could say something, he interrupted. "I'll just go and shave if you hate it..."

Astrid sat up straight and looked at him, her arms wrapped around his neck, hooking them self in one another. She was practically holding her wrist with one of her hands.

"Hiccup...I don't hate it. It was just the first time I've ever kissed you like that so yeah, it feels weird but I don't want you to shave. Maybe when you want to shave...I mean, your the one who's the boss over you body. You'll do what you want with it. And know that whatever you do, if it's for the better or for the worse, I will still love you just as much as I do now..." Astrid said with a smile.

She placed one of her hands on his chin, placing her thumb over his lower lips before she caressed it lovingly.

Hiccup leaned his forehead against hers with a small smile, leaning into her touch. Astrid signed before pulling away her hand and pressing her lips against his.

She pulled back for a second to say, "And just so you know, and as I said, I will love you whatever you do, Babe..."

Hiccup signed happily and pressed his lips against hers. Astrid wanted to mess with him so she started to nibble on his lower lip a little carefully.

Hiccup groined when she bit his lip gently and pulled back a half inch or something. Then, she did it again and again before pulling away fully, looking at him with a smug grin.

As if he knew why it all was about, let Astrid slowly push him down against the bed and cradle his sides with her legs.

Just as she was about to kiss him again, he stopped her, making Astrid pout with a groin.

"I love you to, M'lady..." He said heartily and wrapped his arms around her waist, crashing their bodies together.

Astrid smiled. "I know babe, I know..." She said and petted his cheek smokey with her fingers before kissing him again.

Hiccstrid One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now