Chapter Twenty-Two

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Katie groaned softly when she felt someone shaking her shoulder. She swatted at the person and heard a deep chuckle in response.

"Katie darling. We're in Manchester." The voice said and Katie peeled her eyes open. She looked up at Harry and he gave her a crooked grin.

"Where?" she mumbled out, yawning and stretching her stiff body. Harry helped her up out of her seat and she leaned against him, eyes starting to get used to the light.

"Manchester, England?" he said as they walked towards the exit of the plane. Katie thought for a moment before nodding. She climbed into the awaiting car and leaned her head against the window.

"How far out from your town are we?" she asked as Harry climbed behind the wheel. He gave her a small smile as he started the car, taking off towards the main road. Harry thought for a moment.

"About a half an hour." He hummed as he tuned the radio to RadioToday and turned the radio down so it was just background noise. Katie nodded and looked out the window, watching the beautiful landscape roll by. She was so entranced by her surroundings that she jumped when Harry said her name. She looked over at him and cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" she asked as she readjusted in her seat. She looked back to see Adaley was out cold. Harry smiled slightly and cleared his throat.

"I said welcome to Holmes Chapel." He said softly and Katie's jaw dropped as they entered the small village. She noticed how quaint it was and she instantly fell in love with the calm environment. It was a huge change from LA. Harry pulled up in front of a small white house and shut the car off. She looked up at it and smiled slightly.

"This is your mom's house?" she asked softly and Harry nodded as he reached back to wake Adaley up.

"This is the house Gems and I grew up in." he said in a soft voice before gently lifting Adaley out of the car. She cuddled into his chest and yawned softly. Katie stepped out of the car and looked at the house in awe. She followed him up the steps and hid behind him slightly as he knocked on the door. She heard a yell from inside before the door opened. Katie peeked around him slightly and saw a woman shorter with Harry with brown hair and beautiful laugh lines. She couldn't help but notice how incredibly beautiful the woman in front of them was.

"Harry." The woman breathed and Harry's face lit up with a smile.

"Hi Mummy." He said softly and hugged her the best he could with a still sleeping Adaley in his arms. She looked behind Harry and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm assuming this is Katie?" she asked and Katie gave her a shy nod.

"N-nice to meet you, ma'am." She said shyly and the woman gave her a warm smile.

"Call me Anne. It's great to finally meet you, Katie. Come in!" she said happily and opened the door wider. Harry walked in and immediately up the stairs. Katie followed him with her eyes before looking over at Anne. She gave the older woman a small smile before looking around the entry way.

"You have a lovely home." Katie said softly and Anne smiled.

"Thank you dear. I'm quite fond of it myself." She said with a small laugh. "Don't worry about your little girl. Harry's probably laying her down in his old room." She explained and Katie gave an understanding nod. She followed Anne into the kitchen. "Please have a seat. Would you like a cup of tea?" she asked gently and Katie nodded.

"Yes please. Green tea if you have it." She said softly and Anne nodded, putting on the kettle. Soon she sat down at the table in front of Katie. There was an air of awkwardness around them before Harry appeared in the kitchen. Before Harry said anything to the girls he walked over to the freezer and pulled out a popsicle. He sat down at the table next to Katie and gave them a huge smile. Anne shook her head fondly.

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