Chapter Twenty-Seven

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As Harry pulled into the parking lot of the London Zoo he gently shook Katie's arm. She stirred slightly before her eyes fluttered open.

"Where are we?" she asked, stretching and cracking her back. Harry gave her a fond smile and put the car in park.

"We're at the London Zoo. I remembered how much Adaley loved the zoo in LA so I figured this is a great first stop." He said, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out. Katie followed his movements and gently shook Adaley awake. Harry opened Gemma's side of the car. He was less gentle in waking her up than Katie was with Adaley. He made sure Adaley was out of the car before he opened his mouth. "GEMMA!" he screamed. "WE'RE HERE!" he yelled and Gemma jumped, hitting her head on the roof of the car. She turned to glare at Harry and he gave her an innocent smile. "Morning sunshine!" he said at a normal volume and squealed when Gemma lunged at him, tackling him to the ground. Katie looked on in amusement as she watched the pair wrestle. Finally she spoke up.

"C'mon guys. I don't wanna spend all day out here watching you two wrestle like a bunch of children." She said, putting her hands on her hips. Gemma and Harry looked up at her, smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry, Katie." He said, standing up and brushing off his clothes. He helped Gemma up and she glared at him. Katie raised an eyebrow.

"If you two are going to act like children then I'll treat you like a couple of them." She said and Harry looked at her with a frown. "Either you both say sorry and mean it or you'll stand here and hug until you do." She told them sternly. Harry started to groan but stopped midway when he saw the look on Katie's face. He recognized that look from his mother. He looked at Gemma and held his arms open.

"I'm sorry Gemmabear." He said with a goofy smile and Gemma laughed, hugging her brother tightly. Harry looked over at Katie and she nodded in approval. He let go of his sister and walked over, wrapping an arm around Katie's waist. "Shall we?" he asked and Katie nodded, watching as Gemma took Adaley's hand. Harry led them into the zoo and paid their fare. As they walked around Harry watched Adaley admire the animals and he fell in love with the little girl. He hugged Katie tightly to his side as he watched Gemma and Adaley laugh at the monkeys. He looked down at her and Katie gave him a half smile.

"Can we walk off somewhere and talk?" she asked and Harry nodded. He walked over to Gemma and told them they were going to the lemurs. Katie followed him and sat on a bench next to him. She sighed heavily and he frowned, looking intently at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked, turning to face her. Katie nervously picked at her nails before looking up at him.

"I've had a lot of this trip to think. I've always wondered who I'd leave Ada with if something happened to me. I thought about Terrance but he can't because he's got work. He can't just drop everything to take care of her if I died. I obviously can't leave her with my parents." Katie said and felt a lump grow in her throat. "I've decided who I want for Adaley's godparents." She whispered and Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who?" he asked, gently squeezing her knee. She gave him a watery smile.

"You, Harry. If something happens to me I want Adaley to go to you and your family. Obviously Terrance would be able to have her when he'd want but the best choice is you and your family. Anne and Robin already love her like she's their granddaughter. Gemma loves her to pieces. You can see it in the way the interact and you." She said with a small laugh. "You'd be an amazing godfather, Harry. Louis too if you guys get back together. I want Adaley to go to a family that I know will love her and care for her like I do. That's you and your family." She said, tears rolling down her cheeks. Harry looked at her in shock before pulling her into a hug.

"If this is what you want then I promise that I will do everything in my power to love her and raise her just like you would." He told her, tears falling from his eyes. Katie cried softly into his chest and he rubbed her back. "What brought this up?" he asked and Katie pulled back, wiping at her eyes.

"I've just had a bad feeling and I felt like it was time I made a decision. I'm going to call the necessary people when we get back to the states and get it set up." She said and stood up, Harry following her actions. He grabbed her hand as she went to walk away. She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?" she asked and Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"What you said. About Louis and me." He started and looked down. "Do... Do you think it'll happen?" he asked and looked at her with hopeful eyes. Katie's heart broke slightly.

"Do you want my opinion or reality?" she asked and Harry thought for a moment.

"Both." He said, bracing himself for the worst. Katie smiled.

"Yes." She said simply and walked back taking Adaley's hand in her own and walking off. Gemma walked up to him and snapped her fingers.

"You okay?" she asked and Harry snapped back to reality. He looked down at her and smiled.

"I'm great." He said happily and hummed softly as he started walking, Gemma falling in step with him.

"What's got you so happy?" she asked.

"Katie told me she's making me Adaley's godfather. That means you're Adaley's godaunt." He told her and a huge smile grew on Gemma's face.

"Really!?" she asked excitedly and Harry nodded. He motioned for her to be quiet as they neared the girls. The rest of the time at the zoo Harry and Gemma both had huge smiles on their faces. Since it was getting late in the day Harry decided to move their last stop up. As they all climbed back into the car Adaley started to ask where they were going.

"Mr. Harry? What do you have planned next?" she asked, hugging the new stuffed animal Gemma bought her. Harry grinned and started off down the road.

"It's a surprise princess." He hummed and laughed when he looked back to see Adaley pouting. When they pulled up in front of the London Eye Katie gasped.

"I've always wanted to ride on that!" She said excitedly and jumped out of the car. She helped Adaley out of the car and bounced anxiously on her toes as Harry climbed out and picked Adaley up. They walked up the ticket booth and Harry asked for a private capsule. He paid the man before leading the three girls into it. As it started to move Katie gaped at the view. Harry smiled softly and leaned against the railing, admiring Katie's child-like interest of the attraction. Katie and Adaley were both staring wide eyed at the beautiful city skyline. Gemma walked over to Harry and frowned.

"Haz." She said and Harry hummed, eyes still on Katie. "Have you noticed Katie getting paler today?" she asked and Harry frowned. Now that Gemma mentioned it he did notice a slight color change to Katie. He looked down at his sister.

"It might just be the British weather and the jet lag." He suggested but Gemma didn't look convinced.

"Just keep an eye on her, yeah?" Gemma said and Harry nodded, making a mental note of it. When the cycle was over Harry lifted a tired looking Adaley up and took Katie's hand in his own. They all piled back into the car and Harry started off toward Holmes Chapel. Within minutes everyone else but him and Gemma was asleep. He looked over at his sister.

"When we get back to America I'm taking Katie to the doctor. Something's not right." He whispered and Gemma nodded, looking back at the exhausted and pale Katie.

"Good idea. I have a bad feeling." Gemma whispered and Harry sighed.

"You're not the only one." He whispered and an uncomfortable silence fell between them as they drove.

'What could it be?' he asked himself as he drove, stomach tying itself in knots as he worried. 

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