Chapter Forty-Six

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Everyone stared at him in silence and Harry swallowed thickly. Terrance cleared his throat.

"Do you want to elaborate or would you just like to get on with the concert?" Terrance asked and Harry took a shaky breath as he stood up.

"I'd like to elaborate. I've always known that I'm bi. I was too scared come out." Harry said softly and Louis looked at him in shock as the young boy spoke. "I'm sorry that I lied to you guys for years. Now that I've gotten older and I've had my life flipped upside down I realized that love is more important than anything. One night I was completely heartbroken and made some bad decisions. Because of those decisions I met Terrance. He took me home with him and took care of me as I cried that night. The next morning I met Katie. She turned out to be exactly what I needed to heal my broken heart. While we were never romantically involved I do love her. I love her as I love Gemma, my mum, or Robin. Katie, Terrance, and Adaley were all there when I was scared and broken. Recently I sat down and talked to the person that broke me. That person and I were together for years when Modest! made us split. I know this will probably cause a war in our fan base but I need to stop hiding and speak up." He said confidently into the microphone and turned back to look at the boys. He mouthed 'I love you' to Louis before facing the crowd.

"Would you care to share who the person you love is?" Terrance pushed gently. He knew that Harry was struggling to talk about it because he feared the backlash of his announcement. Harry nodded and slowly brought the microphone up to his lips.

"The person I love is someone I've known for years. I've loved them since they were eighteen." Harry spoke slowly and he could hear some laughs from the crowd. "The person I love has changed my life in so many ways. They've made me laugh, cry, and appreciate everything in life. They've been my best friend since I met them. The person I love is Louis." He said in a soft whisper and looked up, watching the crowd carefully. Everything was silent. Harry could only hear his labored breathing. Soon people started to stand up and walked out of the arena. Harry felt tears starting to roll down his face as he watched the people who he thought would support him walked out. "I'm sorry." He whispered and dropped to his knees, crying softly. A girl with dark colored hair and a shy smile stood up. She gestured for a microphone and Terrance handed her his. She cleared her throat and brought the microphone up to her lips.

"Hi. My name is Breana and I just wanted to say that those people who left aren't truly there for you guys. Don't let them walking out get you down. I'm saying this to everyone here in this arena. If your love for One Direction is not true down to your soul then you have no business being here. Of course you can buy their CDs and their merch but there's a difference between dedication and truly loving a band deep down. I personally love this band deep down into my soul. I am dedicated to them but I would do anything to make them happy. That is why I'm here today. I know how much this means to Harry and I'm here to support him." The girl said and turned back to Harry. "Many of us will always support you through anything. I just want you to know that we love you no matter what. We love all of you and always will." Harry looked up at her as she spoke and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Thank you to all of you who still support us. I truly love Louis with everything in me. It killed me that I couldn't be with him and that we had to sneak around but now we're free." Harry said proudly and soon the crowd started to chant.

"KISS KISS KISS!" They screamed and Harry turned a bright red. He turned back to Louis and the smaller man stood up, walking to the man of his dreams. Louis stood in front of Harry and the taller boy grinned down at him. He brought the microphone up to his lips once more and took a deep breath.

"Now kiss me you fool." Harry breathed and Louis laughed, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and kissing him passionately. As their lips moved Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and settled his hands on the curve of Louis' spine, right about his ass. They were so focused on putting all their love into the kiss that they didn't hear the crowd erupting into screams and they started to snap pictures. When Harry pulled away he rested his forehead against Louis' and gently pecked his nose. Louis blushed and looked up at him with eyes that shone with love and passion.

"I love you, Hazza." Louis whispered and Harry chuckled, pulling him as close as he possibly could.

"I love you too BooBear." Harry whispered and Terrance cleared his throat.

"I don't think we can top that excitement but we can try! Shall we go on with the rest of the concert?" Terrance asked and handed Adaley the microphone.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" She yelled into the device and everyone erupted into laughter. Harry lifted her up and set her on his hip.

"You really are like your uncle Niall, aren't you?" He asked and Adaley nodded, blowing a kiss to her blonde uncle. Niall caught it and slipped into his pocket for safe keeping. Adaley played with the collar on Harry's pink polka-dotted shirt.

"Daddy, can I stay on stage with you?" the little girl asked softly and Harry shrugged.

"I don't see why not. You'll just have to wear hearing protection because it can get quite loud." Harry warned and Adaley nodded. Josh came out holding a pair of ear plugs and helped the little girl put them in. The band started to play and everyone went crazy when they heard the opening sequence for 'They Don't Know About Us'. As they sang Harry and Louis stared at each other, both happy that they were finally free. They both knew that they had a lot of obstacles to still over come as a couple and by themselves but they didn't care. All they cared about was the fact that they could finally show who they really were to everyone. When the song came to an end Liam smiled at the crowd.

"I can honestly say that I think this has been one of our most drama filled concerts to date. I'm beyond excited that my best friends can finally be happy and free together. As you know we released a new song a couple days ago and we'd like to perform it for all of you. So, here's our new song Infinity!" Liam introduced and took a seat on one of the two couches that still remained on the stage. Zayn sat on the arm of the couch as he shut off his microphone. Louis and Harry sat on the loveseat with Adaley between them. As they started to sing both Harry and Louis started to tear up. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they sang with everything in them. Everyone cheered loudly when they finished the song and Harry smiled at everyone, bring his microphone up to his lips.

"Thank you to everyone here for being supportive of Louis and I. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you. It's our turn to clap for all of you. We couldn't do this without your love and support so this is for all of you." Harry said and set his microphone down, starting to clap his hands. Soon everyone on stage and backstage started to clap loudly. Everyone in the crowd started to cry because everyone in the room thought their efforts were overlooked. After their applause died down they continued on with their concert and Adaley danced crazily around the stage with the boys. After they finished their concert Harry and Louis took one care with Adaley while the other four took a separate one because they ended up deciding to go to a bar. Harry and Louis walked into Harry's apartment with a yawning Adaley between them.

"Daddy, 'm tired." Adaley mumbled sleepily and Harry chuckled, lifting her up.

"C'mon baby. Let's get you to bed. We'll worry about a bath tomorrow." He said softly and disappeared down the hall. Louis went immediately to the kitchen. He made a cup of tea for himself and a pot of decaf coffee for Harry. As he was stirring his tea long tattooed arms wrapped around his waist. Louis leaned back and sighed happily, sipping the hot liquid. Harry kissed his neck softly and Louis hummed.

"You're warm." Louis mumbled and Harry chuckled.

"You know. It's funny. At the start of this mess I tried to wrap my arms around you and you pulled away but now you're cuddling into my touch." Harry murmured and started to sway slightly. Louis smiled and looked down at the mug in his hand.

"What a difference time can make." Louis whispered and Harry hummed in agreement. He pulled away and turned Louis around.

"You know we have a shit storm coming our way, right?" Harry asked softly, brushing some hair off of Louis' forehead. Louis nodded and set his mug down.

"But we'll walk through the storm together." Louis murmured and Harry gave him a smile.


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