Chapter Twenty-Six

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Harry awoke early that morning and made his way out of the closet. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before walking silently out into the hallway. He slowly walked down the stairs and was greeted by a silent and empty kitchen. He took a deep breath and flicked the lights on. He hummed to himself as he started to get pans out as quietly as he could. His plan was to surprise his family with breakfast. As he cracked the eggs into a bowl a soft voice made him turn around.

"Can I help?" the small voice asked and Harry turned around, smiling at Adaley who was standing there in her pajamas rubbing her eyes. Harry nodded.

"Of course. The more help I have the more fun it'll be." He said with a hum and helped her up onto the stool. Adaley grinned up at him and started to whisk the eggs like Anne taught her to the morning before. Harry watched her, thoroughly impressed. How'd you learn to do that?" he asked, starting to make the batter for waffles.

"Nonna taught me yesterday." She said, giving him a very proud smile. Harry laughed and nodded, starting to pour the batter into the warmed up waffle maker. Harry looked up from his intense staring contest with the waffle maker when he heard someone enter the kitchen. He looked up to see a tired looking Anne.

"Morning Mum!" he said brightly, handing her a cup of her favourite hot tea. Anne gave him a s nod before starting to take over the morning cooking. Harry stopped her.

"You go sit down, Nonna. Mr. Harry and I are making breakfast for everyone!" Adaley told her matter-of-factly and Anne nodded, letting out a soft laugh.

"Yes Chef Adaley." She said, saluting the little girl and took a seat at the table. Harry laughed at the encounter and pressed a kiss to the top of Adaley's head. By the time they were done cooking everyone was gathered around the kitchen table happily munching their delicious breakfast. Harry cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him.

"The girls and I will be leaving tomorrow and I want to take today to show them around London. Mum, I know you and Robin have work so I thought that Gemma and I could show them around. Take them to the best stores and let them have a ride on the London Eye." He said and Anne nodded, smiling at her son.

"And then tonight we'll all go out to eat at the best restaurant around. It'll be mine and Robin's treat." Anne told him and covered his mouth when he tried to argue. "And it's not up for discussion." She sternly told him, smirking when she saw Harry's face turn into a pout. Harry and his mother had a staring contest before he groaned, crossing his arms in defeat.

"Fine. You win but next time I come home I'm taking all three of you on a shopping spree and there'll be no arguments!" he said defiantly and Anne laughed, nodding her head.

"Deal." She said, shaking his hand. They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence. When everyone was done Katie excused herself and Adaley so they could go get ready. Harry hummed softly as he started to collect the dishes. Robin took them out of his hand and grinned.

"Dishes are on me today. Go get ready." Robin ordered and shooed Harry out of the kitchen much to Anne's entertainment. Harry slowly wandered up the stairs and into his room. He sat down and took a deep breath, looking around the familiar space. He thought about how much had changed in five years. He looked over to his door when he heard it open he looked over to see a smiling Katie.

"Hey. How are you feeling today?" she asked as she walked to his mirror, starting to braid her hair. Harry smiled as he watched her.

"I'm feeling a lot better today. I needed some family time to get my head on straight." He said as he stood up, starting to dig through his drawers. He pulled out a simple grey shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. He disappeared into his bathroom and stripped down, turning on the shower. He sang softly to himself as he washed his long hair. When he finished with his shower he walked out of the bathroom without his shirt on. He laid the shirt down on the bed and smiled at Katie who was looking intently at his chest.

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