Chapter Twenty-One

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Harry hummed softly as he knocked on Katie's front door. When it opened Harry looked down at Adaley, smiling widely.

"Well hello princess." He said with a smile and Adaley rolled her eyes teasingly and hugged Harry's legs.

"Hi Mr. Harry. Thank you for taking us to England to meet your mommy and daddy." She said happily and Harry picked her up, setting her on his hip and walking into the living room where Katie was stacking the luggage. He walked over and gave her a small kiss on the head.

"Ready to go? Management cleared everything and they got us a way to get to England." He said softly and Katie looked up at him, giving him a small nod. "Also Paul is here to help with the luggage." He murmured and soon Paul appeared behind him. Katie gave him a funny look and he shrugged.

"Harry left the front door open." Paul said and Harry blushed when he saw Katie giving him a disapproving look. Katie shook her head and picked up her and Adaley's carry-on. "Let me get the heavy bags. Go ahead and get settled in the car." He said and Katie nodded. Harry set Adaley down before taking the bags from Katie.

"You don't have to get those." She said and Harry shook his head.

"I know I don't have to but I want to." He told her and she gave him a small nod, before taking Adaley's hand and following Harry outside. As soon as they stepped out they were blinded by camera flashes and deafened by screams. One voice rang out above the others. It didn't come from a screaming girl though. Harry turned around and looked at the boy who said it.

"Thank you, Harry." The boy said and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"For what?" he asked and noticed that suddenly the fans became silent, all watching the boy that Harry was talking to. The boy gave a small smile and nervously fidgeted with his fingers.

"Thank you for existing. Thank you for being there when no one else was." He said lowly and Harry frowned.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked and the boy laughed softly.

"You don't realize how much you and your band mean to us fans, do you?" he asked and Harry gave a small frown and shook his head slightly. The boy sighed and the fans all looked at Harry with sad eyes.

"So many of us had no one until you guys came around. Thanks you guys we have a family that many of us didn't have before. You guys saved a lot of lives by just being who you are. You bring so many young people happiness and you breathed new life into those who were so close to ending it all. I know Zayn left but in all our hearts he'll always be part of the band." The boy explained and there were soft murmurs from the crowd. "Because of you five guys I stopped." He whispered and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Stopped what?" he asked, shifting awkwardly. The boy gave Harry a watery smile.

"Stopped hurting myself." He said lowly and pulled up his sleeves, exposing pale skin that was covered in crisscrossed scars. Harry inhaled sharply and soon 'me too's were echoing through the crowd. He looked up and saw that almost every person in the crowd was pulling up some part of their clothing to show scars that they had put there. Harry felt tears prick his eyes and soon they started rolling down his face.

"I-I... I had no idea." He breathed as he looked at everyone. They all smiled at him and he gave a watery smile back.

"No matter what the media says about you guys we will always love you. No matter if you make stupid or amazing decisions we'll be behind you. Some of us want to smack you but no matter what we will continue to love you. You five will always be our boys on the stairs." The boy said and Harry couldn't control himself. He wrapped his arms around the boy in a hug, crying softly. The boy hugged back and soon the entire crowd wrapped around the pair, everyone crying silently. Harry pulled back and looked at everyone.

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