Chapter Eight

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Louis knew he was being childish. He knew that this was all his fault but he didn't want to admit that he had hurt Harry. He didn't want to admit that he had broken the young boy's heart. He picked up his phone and dialled a number.

"Briana. I need you."

Harry and Katie stepped out of Modest!'s front door and were immediately blinded by numerous amounts of flashes from cameras. Katie, although she was normally a very tough girl, became very frightened and she grabbed onto Harry. He wrapped a tight arm around her and pushed through the crowd with the help of Paul. The paparazzi were firing questions off left and right. Harry tried to ignore them until one question rang out above the rest.

"What poor girl did your rope into being your whore this time, Harry? Is she cheaper than Taylor?" He sneered and Harry stopped in his tracks. He was already furious with Modest! for refusing to see them and this paparazzi just fueled his anger. He released Katie and pushed her into Paul.

"Stay." He snapped and started for the man, ignoring Paul's calls. Katie stepped forward and grabbed Harry's hand. She stood on her tip toes and whispered in her ear.

"Don't give him the satisfaction. He's trying to get you to react. Don't listen to that pussy ass bitch that's uglier than a grandma's boobies." She murmured so only Harry could hear. Harry stopped suddenly, turned back to look at Katie, and busted up laughing at her serious expression. Katie let a grin spread over her face as he walked back to the car. He leaned down to get in and Katie, being the cheeky girl that she was, smacked his butt and gave Paul an innocent look. Paul laughed and shook his head.

"I'm definitely going to like you." He said with a chuckle, shutting the door.


Harry and Katie sat in the back of the small cafe just a ten minute drive from Modest!. They sat in silence as Harry looked at his fingers. Katie sighed softly and pushed her plate away.

"Get your shit together Harry. You've been sighing nonstop for the last half hour. Either you've got something on your mind or you're trying to reheat your now cold and stale food via your breath. Which is it ?" She snapped and Harry sat back.

"I'm really sorry about getting you involved in my crazy life. You don't deserved to be insulted by paparazzi, sent death threats, or take care of me when I'm acting like a baby." He murmured and Katie stood up. She walked around the table and sat on Harry's lap.

"Listen to me, Harry. I don't care about all that. I'm an adult and I can handle that. I'm just worried about you." She said and gently stroked his cheek. Her mothering instincts had taken over. She pushed his long hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead.

"Now stop pouting and smile." She ordered and started to poke his cheeks. Harry laughed and shook his head.

"You're something else. You sometimes remind me of my mum." He said softly and gently squeezed her thigh. Katie's phone buzzed in her back pocket. She pulled it out and answered it.

"Katie Cane." She said in a professional voice. She listened to the person on the other line and nodded a few times. "I'll be there in a few minutes." She said and hung up, her lovely lips turning into a frown.

"What was that?" Harry asked softy. Katie sighed.

"That was my babysitter." She said softly. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Babysitter?" He questioned and Katie nodded.

"I've got a daughter."

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