Love You Forever Part 1

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Touch my shoulder

Kiss my neck

Whisper your love...

Sweet Nothings turn the ordinary into the extraordinary....

Meredith paced in the nursery, gently rocking baby Ellis in her arms. Ellis had been fussing more than usual that night after her meal, so Meredith was pacing around the room in order to calm the fussy baby. Ellis loved being rocked in her mother's arms, and so far, the trick was working successfully. The baby's tiny head was pillowed on the top of Meredith's right breast, and Ellis was drooling all over her mother's skin amidst her gentle slumber. Meredith placed one palm on Ellis' head and another on Ellis' back and continued rocking her baby girl.

Meredith had returned from work early that day, so that she could spend some time with her three precious jewels. But, from the minute she had come back, she had noticed that Ellis was fussing a lot, which was unusual since Ellis was generally a very quiet baby. Meredith had thought at first that Ellis was hungry, so she had fed Ellis and then Meredith had given her a bath. But, even after the meal and the bath were over, Ellis had been refusing to calm down and go to sleep. Meredith had spent hours trying to calm the baby down, which had spoiled all her plans of having some quality time with Zola and Bailey.

Now, Meredith lowered her head to see that after an entire evening of fussing and crying, her little girl had finally sunken into a slumber. Meredith slowly ceased the rocking and then made her way over to Ellis' crib. She gently lowered the baby in her cradle and then paused for a minute, taking the time to appreciate her baby girl's beauty. Ellis was a photocopy of her father; a miniature Derek, right from the ebony curls to the prominent chin. Only her eyes were like her mother, grey-green and sharp, like a cat. Ellis was already so beautiful; Meredith was sure that her second daughter was going to turn even more beautiful as she grew up. Ellis was going to be a heartbreaker when she finally started dating, Meredith mused. Caressing her daughter's forehead one last time, Meredith dimmed the lights of the nursery, put on some soft music, which was another trick to ensure that Ellis slept through the night, and then slowly retreated from the room.

On her way to the living room, Meredith decided to check on her two other children who had already gone to bed. She made her first stop at Zola's room, where she saw that her princess was sleeping peacefully and emitting loud snores. Meredith smiled unconsciously as she tip-toed inside the room and looked down on her elder daughter's gentle, sleeping face. Zola was growing up so fast, faster than either Meredith or Derek had anticipated. Meredith could already see the features of a beautiful, busy six-year old girl taking over Zola's baby-like face. Six years old, Meredith's baby girl was six years old now, and it only seemed like yesterday when Meredith's eyes had first alighted on her baby. Placing a soft kiss on Zola's forehead, Meredith gently pulled the sheets over Zola's half-covered body, careful not to wake her up from her deep slumber. Then, Meredith tip-toed out of the room the same way in which she had come in.

Meredith's next stop was Bailey's bedroom, and Meredith opened the door of the bedroom ever so slightly to peer inside. Bailey was a light sleeper like his father, and the slightest movement or noise was enough to wake him up from his sleep. However, as Meredith peered in leerily, a movement beneath the bedcovers caught her eye. Bailey was moving under the covers and Bailey rarely moved in his sleep, which only meant one thing, Bailey was awake.

Meredith opened the door wider, the light from the corridor outside flooding the bedroom, and then she slowly made her way to Bailey's bed. When she approached it, she saw that her boy was lying wide-eyed on the bed, his eyes trained on the wall to which his bed was attached.

"Bails?" Meredith whispered through the silence of the night.

Bailey quickly turned on his side and his face was covered in consternation on being discovered lying awake by his mother. "Mommy?" he whispered back in the same tone.

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