Thankful For Us

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The timeline of this chapter...This chapter is set in early season 5, in the early days of Meredith and Derek's reunion after the clinical trial, to be more precise. Hence this is a pre-marriage one-shot...Enjoy!

Meredith's eyelids flickered as she lay naked in bed, the blankets which were covering her body, creating a warm cocoon. Sunlight shone inside the room through the gaps in the blinds, and the pleasant aroma of bacon assaulted Meredith's nostrils. She rolled around in the empty bed for a few minutes, before finally opening her eyes. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the glaring light and then glanced to the other side of the bed, only to find it empty.

Wondering where Derek had gone so early in the morning, Meredith grabbed her cell phone from the night table and looked at the time. It was 10 in the morning, and Meredith smiled to herself as she lay back on the bed. It was Thanksgiving, and she and Derek had managed to get the day off from work. A grin spread out on her face as she remembered how she and Derek had stayed up all night having Thanksgiving Eve sex, which was probably not even a thing, but, oh well, it worked for them.

The aroma of freshly cooked bacon wafted to Meredith's nostrils once more, and this time, her stomach rumbled at the delicious smell. She giggled to herself as she got up from the bed and snatched Derek's button down shirt from the floor. Buttoning the shirt up, she wondered if it was Derek cooking breakfast. Well, if it was him, he was definitely doing a great job since both of them needed the food after all the calories they had burnt the previous night.

Stepping out of the bedroom, Meredith hesitated briefly to go into the kitchen in nothing but Derek's shirt. Though, as far as she knew, all her friends were working that day and wouldn't be home till afternoon. Throwing caution to the wind, she made her way towards the kitchen slowly.

Upon entering the kitchen, Meredith's eyes alighted on Derek standing shirtless at the counter, his back turned to her as he threw some ingredients in the pan. Derek was usually pretty reluctant to move around the house without a shirt, since their house was occupied by so many people. But, now, he stood in nothing but his black boxer briefs as he cooked breakfast for them.

Meredith leaned against the doorframe and watched as Derek threw open cabinets and continued adding this and that to the pan, humming softly to himself. God, he looked so damn sexy like that, cooking breakfast in nothing but his boxers. She licked her lips as she watched the strong muscles of his back flex with his movements. His hair was perfectly tousled, making her want to run her fingers through them. God, she had missed him so much; she had missed her Derek so very much.

Suddenly, Derek turned around to grab something from the island and his eyes landed on Meredith leaning against the door jamb. His eyes widened and a pale shade of crimson tinged his cheeks upon discovering his silent observer.

"Meredith, when did you come in?" he asked, blushing like a schoolboy.

Meredith giggled as she watched the blush in his cheeks and walked over to where he stood. "Just now," she rejoined, her voice suffused with laughter.

"Oh, well, I was just making us Thanksgiving breakfast," Derek said, planting a soft kiss on her lips. "Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving," he murmured against her lips.

"Mmm...You too," Meredith replied, deepening the kiss slightly. She let her tongue enter Derek's mouth and explore his warm cavern. Derek moaned slightly before pulling away from the kiss.

"Mer, you almost made me burn our breakfast. I swear you are becoming insatiable," he laughed as he went back to tending the bacon.

"Well, you were certainly not complaining last night," Meredith giggled as she wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and rested her chin on his shoulder. "So, what did you make for breakfast? Because something smells amazingly delicious here," she asked as she peeked at the bacon over his shoulder.

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