Christmas Magic

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A/N: Hello everyone! I know, long time no see. But real life had me super busy and I was all but craving the holiday season so that I would have some free time. And here I am now! With a Christmas present for you guys! :D This is a look at how I think MerDer would celebrate Christmas with their family. Enjoy and take the time to leave me a line!

Timeline: Almost a year after baby Ellis' birth


It was Christmas Eve, and Christmas Eve had always been a busy day in the Shepherd household. Last minute preparations were being made by Meredith and Derek, and the two Shepherd munchkins were lending their parents a helping hand. Ellis was almost a year now, but she was still too young to be helping with Christmas preparations.

"Derek, do you want to do the grocery shopping for dinner tomorrow? I and the kids will manage the decorations," Meredith asked her husband as he sat down on the couch beside her with a mile long to-do list in his hands.

"Mer, you know it's pointless to ask this question," Derek said with a light chuckle as he ticked off items from his to-do list. "Of course I will take over the cooking area, or else the guests will have to celebrate Christmas out in the woods tomorrow. Because you will burn our house down," he said, earning a playful smack on his bicep from his wife.

"You are an ass! I was just being nice," Meredith said with a contented giggle. "So, who else is coming over for dinner tomorrow? I hope you haven't invited the entire hospital. I just want a small, intimate, cosy Christmas dinner with my family," she said with a sigh, leaning her head on her husband's shoulder.

Derek pressed his cheek to his wife's head and hummed in response. "I didn't invite that many people, believe me. Amy and Owen are coming, and Jo and Alex. And Maggie. I wanted to invite Callie too, but if I invited her, there was the question of inviting Arizona and since we don't want an awkward, huge dinner, so that's it. Four people who are practically family," he rejoined.

"Well, the whole hospital is practically our family," Meredith countered, raising her head from Derek's shoulder. "You didn't invite Richard and Catherine?"

"I wanted to. But, Richard said that he and Catherine are going to New York for Christmas and New Year, so..."

"Oh," Meredith said, eyeing Derek's to-do list. "How many things are still left on that list of yours?"

"Millions," Derek said with a huff. "My family used to celebrate Christmas in a big and pompous way. You know that. So, even though we are planning a simple Christmas dinner, I can't stop myself from obsessing over details," he admitted with a sheepish grin.

"My pedantic husband," Meredith said, placing a soft kiss to the corner of Derek's mouth. "Remember our first Christmas together?" Meredith said with a laugh.

"The one where we both worked all day and then came home, ordered takeout and made love all night?" Derek asked as he looked at his wife with a sexy ass smile playing on his lips.

"Of course, you will remember that," Meredith said with a roll of her eyes, but smiled fondly at the memory too. "No, the next one. The one when we actually celebrated Christmas with the decorations and everything," Meredith said, waving her hands as way of a vague description.

"Oh, that one," Derek said, laughing at the memory. "You didn't have a clue as to what to do."

"No damn idea," Meredith said, shaking her head as she looked back on those days. "Remember how I asked you what to do with the angel figurine?" she giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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